====== Teachers ===== **Anna Monreale, Riccardo Guidotti ** * KDD Laboratory, Università di Pisa ed ISTI - CNR, Pisa * [[http://www-kdd.isti.cnr.it]] * [[anna.monreale@unipi.it]] * [[guidotti@di.unipi.it]] ====== EXAM ===== ====== Learning Material ===== * Slides * Databases essentials - Antonio Albano {{ :bdd-infuma:bookdb.pdf |PDF File}} * A First Course in Database Systems, JefferyD. Ullman and Jennifer Widom * Decision Support Databases Essentials - Antonio Albano {{ :bdd-infuma:bookdw.pdf | PDF File}} * Italian versione of slides on Databases can be found [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/bdd-infuma/start|here]] in section "Calendario delle lezioni BDD (Primo Semestre 2016) e Lucidi dei docenti" ====== Software ===== * SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition: - Mandatory: [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms | SQL Server 2017 Management Studio (17.4)]] and [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/download-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt | SQL Server 2017 Data Tools 15.5.2]] (no need to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015! choose option 4 "Download SSDT as an ISO image") * Microsoft Excel * [[https://powerbi.microsoft.com/it-it/desktop/| Power BI Desktop]] * For students with Mac OSX or Linux: [[https://www.valentina-db.com/en/valentina-studio-overview|Valentina Studio]] ====== Data ===== * {{ :bdd-infuma:foodmart_mysql.sql.zip | Foodmart}} * {{ :bdd-infuma:master_big_data_db.sql.zip | MasterDB}} ====== Class Calendar 2018 ====== ^ ^ Day ^ Topic ^ Learning material ^ Book ^ |1. | 19.02.2018 09:00-18:00 |Introduction – Conceptual modeling – Exercise | {{ :bdd-infuma:a.introduction.pdf | Introduction}} {{ :bdd-infuma:a1.relationalmodel.pdf | Relational Model}}{{ :bdd-infuma:b.conceptualmodel.pdf |Conceptual Modeling}} {{ :bdd-infuma:01_ex-conceptual-design.pdf | Exercises on Conceptual Modeling}}|DB Essentials| |2. | 20.02.2018 09:00-13:00 |Logical design - Exercises |{{ :bdd-infuma:c.logicalmodel.pdf |Logical Design}} |DB Essentials| |3. | 26.02.2018 09:00-13:00 |SQL Language | {{ :bdd-infuma:d.sql-concettibase.pdf | SQL}}|DB Essentials| |4. | 26.02.2018 14:00-18:00 |Exercises on SQL. Decision Support Systems.| |DB Essentials| |5. | 27.02.2018 09:00-13:00 |Exercises SQL. | {{ :bdd-infuma:ex-sql.zip |}}|DSD Essentials| |6. | 28.02.2018 09:00-13:00 |DW Conceptual Modelling. | {{ :bdd-infuma:dwconcept.pdf |}} |DSD Essentials| |7. | 05.03.2018 09:00-18:00 |Logical Modeling for DW – case studies for DW, SQL analitico -The Cube, Reporting | {{ :bdd-infuma:g.dwlogical.pdf |Logical Model -DW}} {{ :bdd-infuma:h.olap.pdf | The cube}} {{ :bdd-infuma:i-analytics-sqlreporting.pdf |SQL analitico}} {{ :bdd-infuma:sql-dw.txt.zip |Ex. AnalyticSQL}} {{ :bdd-infuma:dwessentialssolutions.pdf |}}|DSD Essentials| |8. | 06.03.2018 09:00-18:00 |Analytic Sql - ETL Process - Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools | {{ :bdd-infuma:i.etl.pdf | ETL}} {{:bdd-infuma:sqlan.sql.zip |}} |DSD Essentials| |9. | 14.03.2018 14:00-18:00 |ETL - Exercises | |DSD Essentials| |10.| 15.03.2018 09:00-18:00 |ETL - Exercises| {{ :mds:lbi:2016ssis.zip |}} (When you import the solution you will have some error due to the connection to DB and files. Please, modify them with login and pass and correct path of file) |DSD Essentials| |11.| 19.03.2018 14:00-18:00 | | |DSD Essentials|