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dm:dm.2016-17 [11/09/2017 alle 18:54 (8 anni fa)] – creata Anna Monrealedm:dm.2016-17 [24/09/2019 alle 10:09 (6 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam DM part I (DMF)] Anna Monreale
Linea 214: Linea 214:
       - ** Classification (Assigned on: 12/12/2016): ** Explore the dataset using classification trees and random forest. Use them to predict the hotel type. (see Guidelines for details)       - ** Classification (Assigned on: 12/12/2016): ** Explore the dataset using classification trees and random forest. Use them to predict the hotel type. (see Guidelines for details)
   * Project 1   * Project 1
-      - Dataset: **CarVana** (Don’t Get Kicked) 
-      - Assigned: 17/10/2016 
-      - <del>Deadline: 06/01/2017</del> ** Deadline extension 23.59 of 10/01/2017 ** 
-      - Link: 
-  * Project 2 
       - Dataset: **Expedia** (Hotel Recommendations)       - Dataset: **Expedia** (Hotel Recommendations)
       - Assigned: 11/01/2017       - Assigned: 11/01/2017
Linea 228: Linea 223:
       - Hint: if the dataset is too big to be analyzed by your computer you can use a representative sample of the entire dataset. You must specify in the project report how you selected this sample and justify your choices.       - Hint: if the dataset is too big to be analyzed by your computer you can use a representative sample of the entire dataset. You must specify in the project report how you selected this sample and justify your choices.
-  * Project 3+  * Project 2
       - Dataset: **Pima** (Diabets Detection)       - Dataset: **Pima** (Diabets Detection)
       - Assigned: 05/05/2017       - Assigned: 05/05/2017
dm/dm.2016-17.1505156096.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 11/09/2017 alle 18:54 (8 anni fa) da Anna Monreale

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