1. | 18.02.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Introduction | | Giannotti |
2. | 27.02.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Frequent patterns and association rules / 1 | | Giannotti |
3. | 04.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Frequent patterns and association rules / 2 | | Giannotti |
4. | 06.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Frequent patterns and association rules / 3 | | Giannotti |
5. | 11.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Introduction to CRM and Churn analysis | | Nanni |
6. | 18.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Case study: Churn analysis + Data exploration: assignments | | Giannotti - Nanni |
7. | 20.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Sequential patterns / 1 | | Nanni |
8. | 25.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Sequential patterns / 1 | | Nanni |
9. | 27.03.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Time series / 1 | | Nanni |
10. | 08.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Time series / 2 | | Nanni |
11. | 10.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Data exploration: results of assignments | | Giannotti - Nanni |
12. | 15.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Classification: evaluation methods | | Pedreschi |
13. | 17.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Case study: Fraud detection | | Giannotti |
14. | 22.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Network diffusion and virality | | Giannotti |
15. | 24.04.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Mobility Data Mining / 1 | | Nanni |
16. | 06.05.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Mobility Data Mining / 2 | | Nanni |
17. | 08.05.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Case study: Mobility Data Mining | | Nanni |
18. | 13.05.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Case study: Mining official data ed health data + Presentation of projects | | Giannotti - Nanni |
19. | 15.05.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Data Mining and Privacy | | Giannotti |
20. | 27.05.2013 9:00-11:00 | N1 | Web usage mining and e-commerce | | Nanni |