Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito


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 ===== ===== ===== =====
 +<code ocaml>
 +(** some support to the analysis of D-RISC code on pipeline processors
 +    This includes the possibility to find dependencies in linear 
 +    D-RISC code and to execute D-RISC instructions with a given 
 +    configuration of registers and memory (with no cache).
 +    @author Marco Danelutto 
 +    Year 2011
 +    Updated on 27-06-11 by Nicola Corti
 +open Printf;;
 +(** the type modelling registers *)
 +type reg = Reg of int;;
 +(** the type modelling labels: either strings or offsets *)
 +type label = LabOff of int | LabLab of string | DelayedBranch of label;;
 +(** the type modelling the constants: e.g. #i -> Const(i) *)
 +type const = Const of int;;
 +(** the assembler opcodes *)
 +type asm = 
 +   ADD of reg*reg*reg
 +|  SUB of reg*reg*reg
 +|  MUL of reg*reg*reg
 +|  DIV of reg*reg*reg
 +|  ADDI of reg*const*reg
 +|  SUBI of reg*const*reg
 +|  INC of reg
 +|  DEC of reg
 +|  LD of reg*reg*reg
 +|  LDI of reg*const*reg
 +|  ST of reg*reg*reg
 +|  STI of reg*const*reg
 +|  CALL of reg*reg
 +|  GOTOR of reg
 +|  GOTOL of label
 +|  IFLEQ of reg*reg*label
 +|  IFLE of reg*reg*label
 +|  IFGEQ of reg*reg*label
 +|  IFGE of reg*reg*label
 +|  IFEQ of reg*reg*label
 +|  IFNEQ of reg*reg*label
 +|  END
 +(** the assembler instruction: may have a label *)
 +type instruction = 
 +   Instr of asm 
 +|  LabInstr of label*asm;;
 +(** returns the domain of an instruction *)
 +let domain = function 
 +   ADD(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  SUB(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  MUL(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  DIV(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  ADDI(a,b,c) -> [a]
 +|  SUBI(a,b,c) -> [a]
 +|  INC(a) -> [a]
 +|  DEC(a) -> [a]
 +|  LD(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  ST(a,b,c) -> [a;b;c]
 +|  LDI(a,b,c) -> [a]
 +|  STI(a,b,c) -> [a;c]
 +|  CALL(a,b) -> [a]
 +|  GOTOR(a) -> [a]
 +|  GOTOL(a) -> []
 +|  IFLEQ(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  IFLE(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  IFGEQ(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  IFGE(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  IFEQ(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  IFNEQ(a,b,c) -> [a;b]
 +|  END -> []
 +(** returns the range of an instruction *)
 +let codomain = function 
 +   ADD(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  SUB(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  MUL(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  DIV(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  ADDI(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  SUBI(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  INC(a) -> [a]
 +|  DEC(a) -> [a]
 +|  LD(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  ST(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  LDI(a,b,c) -> [c]
 +|  STI(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  CALL(a,b) -> []
 +|  GOTOR(a) -> []
 +|  GOTOL(a) -> []
 +|  IFLEQ(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  IFLE(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  IFGEQ(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  IFGE(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  IFEQ(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  IFNEQ(a,b,c) -> []
 +|  END -> []
 +(** function computing the intersection of two lists. 
 +    This is used to compute Bernstein conditions
 +    @param l1 First list
 +    @param l2 Second list
 +    @return An empty list if no intersection is found, otherwise return the intersection list *)
 +let intersect l1 l2 = 
 +  let a1 = Array.of_list l1 in
 +  let a2 = Array.of_list l2 in
 +  let res = ref [] in 
 +  let n1 = Array.length a1 in 
 +  let n2 = Array.length a2 in 
 +  for i=0 to (n1-1) do 
 +    for j=0 to (n2-1) do 
 +      if(a1.(i) = a2.(j))
 +      then res := a2.(j) :: !res 
 +    done
 +  done; 
 +  !res
 +(** checks if an instruction is "executed" on the IU *)
 +let iu_instruction = function
 +    IFLEQ(a,b,c) -> true
 +  | IFLE(a,b,c)  -> true
 +  | IFGEQ(a,b,c) -> true
 +  | IFGE(a,b,c)  -> true
 +  | IFEQ(a,b,c)  -> true
 +  | IFNEQ(a,b,c) -> true
 +  | LD(a,b,c)    -> true
 +  | LDI(a,b,c)   -> true
 +  | ST(a,b,c)    -> true
 +  | STI(a,b,c)   -> true
 +  | _ -> false
 +(** data dependency: 
 +        instructions inducing the data dependencies
 +        interested register(s) 
 +        "distance"
 +        "N"
 +type datadep = 
 +  NoDataDep 
 +| DataDep of int * asm * int * asm * reg list * int * int ;;
 +(** removes labels from an instruction, if present, 
 +    and returns the assembler instruction only *)
 +let delab = function
 +  LabInstr(l,i) -> i 
 +| Instr(i) -> i;;
 +(** check whether there is a data dependency among instructions
 +    @param a1 the address of the first instruction
 +    @param a2 the address of the second instruction
 +    @param li1 the first instruction 
 +    @param li2 the second instruction 
 +    @param dist the distance between instructions 
 +    @param n the N parameter
 +    @return A new datadep instance with the previous parameters
 +let data_dep_i a1 a2 li1 li2 dist n = 
 +  let i1 = delab li1 in 
 +  let i2 = delab li2 in
 +  let wrs = codomain(i1) in
 +  let rds = domain(i2) in 
 +  let regset = (intersect rds wrs) in 
 +  if(iu_instruction i2 && not(regset = []))
 +    then DataDep(a1,i1,a2,i2,(intersect rds wrs),dist,n)
 +    else NoDataDep;;
 +(** checks whether there is a load in the sequence 
 +    leading to the dependency 
 +    @param i1 the starting point of the sequence
 +    @param i2 the ending point of the sequence 
 +    @param prog the program with the sequence
 +    @return true if a LD or a LDI is found in the sequence, otherwise return false*)
 +let loadsinsequence prog i1 i2 = 
 +  let aprog = Array.of_list prog in 
 +  let bign  = ref false in 
 +  for i=i1 to (i2-1) do
 +    let asmi = match aprog.(i) with 
 +                        Instr(ai) -> ai
 +               |LabInstr(l,ai) -> ai in
 +    bign := match asmi with 
 +                                        LD(a,b,c) -> true
 +            |   LDI(a,b,c) -> true
 +            |   _ -> !bign
 +  done; 
 +  !bign
 +(** finds all data dependencies in a program 
 +    @param prog the program
 +    @return An empty list if no data dependency is found, otherwise return a list of data dependencies *)
 +let data_deps prog = 
 +  let aprog = Array.of_list prog in
 +  let n     = Array.length aprog in 
 +  let res   = ref [] in
 +  let start = ref 0 in 
 +  for i=0 to (n-2) do
 +    for j=(i+1) to (n-1) do
 +      let i1 = aprog.(i) in 
 +      let i2 = aprog.(j) in 
 +      let dd = (data_dep_i i j i1 i2 (j-i) 0) in (* N=0 TODO *)
 +        match dd with 
 +          NoDataDep -> ()
 +        | DataDep(i,i1,j,i2,regs,dist,n) -> 
 +            let hasloads = loadsinsequence prog !start (j-1) in
 +            let bign = if(hasloads) then 2 else 1 in
 +            let dd = DataDep(i,i1,j,i2,regs,dist,bign) in
 +            start := j;
 +            res := (List.append (!res) [dd])
 +    done
 +  done;
 +  !res
 +(** bernstein conditions check *)
 +let bernstein i1 i2 = 
 +  let d1 = domain i1 in 
 +  let d2 = domain i2 in 
 +  let c1 = codomain i1 in 
 +  let c2 = codomain i2 in
 +  let d1c2 = intersect d1 c2 in 
 +  let d2c1 = intersect d2 c1 in 
 +  if(d1c2 = [] && d2c1 = []) 
 +  then true
 +  else false
 +(** pretty print a register *) 
 +let pp_reg = function
 +  Reg(x) -> printf " R_%d " x ;;
 +(** pretty print a list of registers *)
 +let rec pp_regs = function 
 +  [] -> ()
 +| r::rr -> (pp_reg r);(pp_regs rr);;
 +(** pretty print the register set
 +    Used in pretty print of the 
 +    environment of execution of a program 
 +    @param r An integer array rappresenting the register set *)
 +let pp_reg_set r = 
 +  let n = Array.length r in 
 +  for i=0 to (n-1) do
 +    printf " R%d=%d " i r.(i);
 +    if (i mod 16 == 0 && not(i = 0)) then printf "\n";
 +  done; 
 +  printf "\n"
 +(** pretty print a memory state. Used in pretty print of the 
 +    environment of execution of a program
 +    @param r An integer array rappresenting the memory *)
 +let pp_mem r = 
 +  let n = Array.length r in 
 +  for i=0 to (n-1) do
 +    if(i mod 8 == 0 && not (i = 0)) 
 +    then printf "\n";
 +    if(i mod 4 == 0) 
 +    then printf "M%d=%d\t" i r.(i)
 +    else printf "%d\t" r.(i)
 +  done; 
 +  printf "\n"
 +(** pretty print a label *)
 +let pp_lab = function 
 +  LabLab(s) -> printf " %s " s
 +| LabOff(o) -> printf "L(%d) " o
 +| DelayedBranch(LabLab(s)) -> printf " %s , delayed_branch" s
 +| DelayedBranch(LabOff(o)) -> printf " L(%d) , delayed_branch" o
 +| _ -> printf "Label Error"
 +(** pretty print a constant *)
 +let pp_const = function 
 +  Const c -> printf " #%d " c;;
 +(** pretty print a D-RISC instruction *)
 +let pp_asm = function 
 +  ADD(a,b,c) -> printf "ADD "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| SUB(a,b,c) -> printf "SUB "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| MUL(a,b,c) -> printf "MUL "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| DIV(a,b,c) -> printf "DIV "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| ADDI(a,b,c) -> printf "ADDI "; pp_reg(a); pp_const(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| SUBI(a,b,c) -> printf "SUBI "; pp_reg(a); pp_const(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| INC(a) -> printf "INC"; pp_reg(a)
 +| DEC(a) -> printf "DEC"; pp_reg(a)
 +| LD(a,b,c) -> printf "LOAD "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| LDI(a,b,c) -> printf "LOAD_I "; pp_reg(a); pp_const(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| ST(a,b,c) -> printf "STORE "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| STI(a,b,c) -> printf "STORE_I "; pp_reg(a); pp_const(b); pp_reg(c)
 +| CALL(a,b) -> printf "CALL "; pp_reg(a); pp_reg(b)
 +| GOTOR(a) -> printf "GOTO_R "; pp_reg(a)
 +| GOTOL(l) -> printf "GOTO_L "; pp_lab(l)
 +| IFLE(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF< "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| IFLEQ(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF<= "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| IFGE(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF> "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| IFGEQ(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF>= "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| IFEQ(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF= "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| IFNEQ(r1,r2,l) -> printf "IF<> "; pp_reg(r1); pp_reg(r2); pp_lab(l)
 +| END -> printf "END "
 +| _ -> printf "NOFORMATAVAILABLE"
 +(** pretty print an instruction, possibly with a label *)
 +let pp_instr add = function 
 +  Instr(i) -> printf "%d.\t" add; pp_asm(i); printf "\n"
 +| LabInstr(l,i) -> printf "%d. " add;   
 +                   pp_lab(l); printf ":"; pp_asm(i); printf "\n"
 +(** pretty print a whole program, starting with at a given address *)
 +let rec pp_prog add = function 
 +  [] -> printf "\n"
 +| i::ri -> (pp_instr add i); (pp_prog (add+1) ri)
 +(** pretty print a program, assuming it is allocated from address 0 *)
 +let pp_program p = (pp_prog 1 p);;
 +(** pretty print a data dependency *) 
 +let pp_dd = function 
 +  NoDataDep -> ()
 +| DataDep(a1,i1,a2,i2,regl,d,n) -> 
 +   printf "DD:: "; 
 +   printf "%d. " a1; pp_asm i1; printf " ==>> "; 
 +   printf "%d. " a2; pp_asm i2; 
 +   printf " (d=%d N=%d) due to reg(s)" d n;
 +   pp_regs regl;
 +   printf "\n";;
 +(** pretty print a list of dependencies *)
 +let rec pp_deps = function 
 +   [] -> ()
 +|  d::rd -> (pp_dd d);(pp_deps rd);;
 +(** transforms a list of instructions (with labels) into  
 +    a list of assembler instruction (with no labels) *)
 +let rec prog_to_asm p = 
 + delab p;;
 +Gestione dei Salti
 +(** Check if an ASM instruction in a jump istruction
 +                @param istr the ASM instruction
 +                @return true if istr is a jump instruction, false in other case *)
 +let is_jump istr =
 +        match istr with
 +   CALL(a,b) -> true
 +|  GOTOR(a) -> true
 +|  GOTOL(a) -> true
 +|  IFLEQ(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  IFLE(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  IFGEQ(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  IFGE(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  IFEQ(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  IFNEQ(a, b, l) -> true
 +|  _ -> false
 +(** Check if an ASM instruction has Delayed Branch flag
 +                @param istr the ASM instruction
 +                @return true if istr has DelayedBranch, false in other case *)
 +let has_delayed_branch istr =
 +        match istr with
 +   GOTOL(DelayedBranch(a)) -> true
 +|  IFLEQ(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  IFLE(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  IFGEQ(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  IFGE(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  IFEQ(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  IFNEQ(a, b, DelayedBranch(l)) -> true
 +|  _ -> false
 +(** Jumps:
 +                int: instruction number
 +                asm: the instruction
 +type jumps = 
 +  NoJump 
 +| Jump of int * asm;;
 +(** finds all jumps in a program 
 +    @param prog the program
 +    @return An empty list if no jump is found, otherwise return a list of jumps *)
 +let jump_find prog =
 +        let asmprog = prog_to_asm prog in 
 +  let aprog = Array.of_list asmprog in
 +  let n     = Array.length aprog in 
 +  let res   = ref [] in
 +  for i=0 to n-1 do
 +    let istr = aprog.(i) in 
 +                        if (is_jump istr && not(has_delayed_branch istr)) then
 +                res := (List.append (!res) [Jump(i, istr)])
 +  done;
 +  !res
 +(** pretty print a jump *) 
 +let pp_jump = function 
 +  NoJump -> ()
 +| Jump(i, istr) -> 
 +   printf "JUMP:: "; 
 +   printf "%d. " i; pp_asm istr; 
 +   printf "\n"
 +(** pretty print a list of jumps *)
 +let rec pp_jumps = function 
 +   [] -> ()
 +|  x::xs -> (pp_jump x);(pp_jumps xs);;
informatica/ae/ · Ultima modifica: 27/06/2011 alle 15:20 (14 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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