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Peer to Peer Systems 2013/14
Teacher: Laura Ricci
Note: This is a temporary page: the course will be managed by the Moodle platform. To access the Moodle pages for the P2P System Course, go to The resources of the course can be freely acessed by guests, but you need to enroll to partecipate to the activities of the course. To enter Moodle, the students of the University of Pisa exploit their Alice credentials, the teachers of the University of Pisa their University credentials. If you want to enroll, to partecipate to the course activities, you need the course key. You can ask for it to [email protected].
General Information
The program of the academic year 2013/2014 includes some new topics with respect to the previous years:
- P2P Live video Streaming: Spotify
- P2P Social Networks
Day | Hour | Room |
Wednesday | 16.00-18.00 | C |
Friday | 11.00-13.00 | C |
Question Time
Day | Hour | Place |
Giovedì | 15.00-18.00 | Studio Ricci (348DE) Computer Science Department |
For any problem and for requesting bachelor/master thesis, we can contact me by e-mail ([email protected]) or by skype (contact lauraemiliaricci) or during the question time.
Computer Networks, Algorithm Engineering
Course Program
- Introduction
- P2P Systems : general characteristics
- P2P Applications: file sharing, voice over P2P, content distribution networks, P2P video e music streaming
- Unstructured Overlays
- Centralized systems: Napster, e-Mule: the server network
- NAT transversal techniques
- Distributed Systems: Gnutella 0.4
- Hybrid Systems: Gnutella 0.6, Kazaa
- Structured Overlays: Distributed Hash Tables
- Chord
- CAN, Proximity Aware Overlays: Vivaldi
- Prefix Based DHT: Kademlia
- DHT Applications:
- Kademlia Implementation in EMule e Bitorrent: the KAD network
- DHT based Distributed Systems: Amazon Dynamo
- Formal tools: Markov Chians
- Distribution of routing paths in Chord
- Epidemic Models
- SI model (anti entropy)
- SIR model (rumor mongering)
- Gossip Algorithms
- Random Peer Sampling
- Information Diffusion
- Computation of aggregation functions
- Network Dynamics: random processes on complex networks, random walks
- P2P Overlays analysis as complex networks
- Random Graphs
- Small Worlds: Watts Strogatz, Kleinberg models
- d-lattice: clustering coefficient
- Symphony: a Kleinberg based DHT
- Overlay Analysis:
- Chord: clustering coefficient, node degree, diameter
- Analysis of networks generated by random peer sampling
- Scale Free Networks: Gnutella
- Content Distribution Networks: BitTorrent
- Elements of game theory
- Chocking: peer cooperation
- Algorithms for choosing pieces
- P2P Audio/Video Streaming: Spotify
- Distributed Virtual environments: Massively Multiplayer Online Games on cloud e P2P
- Mobile P2P
- Opportunistic Networks
- Mobility Models
- Simulators for P2P: Peersim, PerfactSim