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magistraleinformatica:aa2:start [20/05/2015 alle 10:21 (10 anni fa)] – [Final project] Report Templates Davide Bacciumagistraleinformatica:aa2:start [04/04/2016 alle 10:20 (9 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – Communication on course replacement for year 2015/2016 Davide Bacciu
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
-**(02/04/2015)** List of midterm assignments to students is now out +**(04/04/2016Note for Students of Academic Year 2015/2016**  The AA2 course is **inactive** during year 2015/2016. Students interested in the course can take the replacement course [[|"Computational Neuroscience"]] from the M.Sc. in Bionics Engineering.  
 +(02/04/2015) List of midterm assignments to students is now out 
 (13/03/2015) Midterm reading list and dates now out  (13/03/2015) Midterm reading list and dates now out 
Linea 123: Linea 125:
 | 20 | 11/5/15 (11-13) | C1 | An Overview of ML research at UNIPI; final project proposals |  |  | | 20 | 11/5/15 (11-13) | C1 | An Overview of ML research at UNIPI; final project proposals |  |  |
 | 21 | 18/5/15 (11-13) | C1 | Company Talk: [[|Henesis]] (Artificial Perception) |  |  | | 21 | 18/5/15 (11-13) | C1 | Company Talk: [[|Henesis]] (Artificial Perception) |  |  |
-| 22 | 21/5/15 (14-16) | C1 | Company Talk: [[|Kode]] Solutions (Artificial Perception) |  |  |+| 22 | 21/5/15 (14-16) | C1 | Company Talk: [[|Kode]] Solutions |  |  |
 | 23 | 21/5/15 (16-18) | C1 | Final lecture: course wrap-up; final project assignments; exam information |  |  | | 23 | 21/5/15 (16-18) | C1 | Final lecture: course wrap-up; final project assignments; exam information |  |  |
 ===== Exams ===== ===== Exams =====
magistraleinformatica/aa2/start.1432117310.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 20/05/2015 alle 10:21 (10 anni fa) da Davide Bacciu

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