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magistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:interaction:start [01/01/2018 alle 17:26 (7 anni fa)] – creata Roberto Grossimagistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:interaction:start [01/01/2018 alle 17:28 (7 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Roberto Grossi
Linea 5: Linea 5:
 //A.:// For my report for the Algorithm Design course I would like to write about min- or max-cut randomization of graphs or maybe a comparison of both of them. Would this be alright? //A.:// For my report for the Algorithm Design course I would like to write about min- or max-cut randomization of graphs or maybe a comparison of both of them. Would this be alright?
-//RG:// Ok A., please send me a sketch of the organisation when you are ready.+//RG:// Ok A., please send me a sketch of the organization when you are ready.
 //A.:// Attached you can find the basic outline for my report: //A.:// Attached you can find the basic outline for my report:
magistraleinformatica/ad/ad_17/interaction/start.1514827564.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 01/01/2018 alle 17:26 (7 anni fa) da Roberto Grossi

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