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magistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:start [27/12/2017 alle 16:16 (7 anni fa)] Roberto Grossimagistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:start [03/09/2018 alle 22:02 (7 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Schedule] Roberto Grossi
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 ==== Schedule ==== ==== Schedule ====
 +  * Regarding your exam planning: I'll be on leave during 19.09.18-15.10.18 and 01.11.2018-28.02.19.
   * Timetable: [[|weekly timetable]] with changes: (Oct.5 -> Oct.4, 14-16, I-Lab); (Oct.9 -> Oct.2, 14-16, room A1); (Oct.10 -> Oct.23, 14-16, room A1).   * Timetable: [[|weekly timetable]] with changes: (Oct.5 -> Oct.4, 14-16, I-Lab); (Oct.9 -> Oct.2, 14-16, room A1); (Oct.10 -> Oct.23, 14-16, room A1).
   * Office hours: Thu. 14-17 or by appointment.   * Office hours: Thu. 14-17 or by appointment.
 ==== Overview ==== ==== Overview ====
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 ==== Exams ==== ==== Exams ====
-Written exam:+//Written exam://
   - choose one of the topics discussed in class   - choose one of the topics discussed in class
   - write a very short to-do list and ask the instructor for approval   - write a very short to-do list and ask the instructor for approval
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 Suggested reading: [[|some useful tips for scientific writing in English]] (first two sections) by J.S. Vitter. Suggested reading: [[|some useful tips for scientific writing in English]] (first two sections) by J.S. Vitter.
 +Example of interaction: [[.interaction:|student and instructor]] discussing the report's content and structure.
-Oral examination: topics discussed in class, please read the references in the notes.+//Oral exam:// topics discussed in class, please read the references in the notes.
 ==== Topics ==== ==== Topics ====
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 |23.11.2017| General inapproximability results. Case study: travel salesman problem (TSP).  2-approximation algorithm . | [CLRS 35.2] | |23.11.2017| General inapproximability results. Case study: travel salesman problem (TSP).  2-approximation algorithm . | [CLRS 35.2] |
 |27.11.2017| Case study on approximation for metric k-center: Clustering and video summarization. | [[|slides]] [[|notes]] | |27.11.2017| Case study on approximation for metric k-center: Clustering and video summarization. | [[|slides]] [[|notes]] |
-|28.11.2017| Non-existence of PTAS. Local search. Greedy. Case study: max-cut for graphs. | TBD +|28.11.2017| Non-existence of PTAS. Local search. Greedy. Case study: max cut for graphs. | {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_14:lec02.pdf|Notes}} 
-|30.11.2017| Randomized approximation. Derandomization: universal hash functions; conditional expectations. Case study: max-cut for graphs. | TBD |+|30.11.2017| Randomized approximation. Derandomization: universal hash functions; conditional expectations. Case study: max-cut for graphs. | [[|sect. 3-4]] [[|sect. 1.1]] |
 |04.12.2017| Case study on approximation for graphs (max cut): single individual haplotypes reconstruction problem (hapcut) |[[|paper]] | |04.12.2017| Case study on approximation for graphs (max cut): single individual haplotypes reconstruction problem (hapcut) |[[|paper]] |
-|05.12.2017| Fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms. Kernelization. Bounded search tree. Case study: min-vertex cover in graphs. TBD +|05.12.2017| Fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms. Kernelization. Bounded search tree. Case study: min-vertex cover in graphs. [[|sect. 2.2.1, 3.1]] 
-|07.12.2017| Randomized FPT algorithms: color coding and randomized separation. Case study: longest path in graphs and subgraph isomorphism. | TBD |+|07.12.2017| Randomized FPT algorithms: color coding and randomized separation. Case study: longest path in graphs and subgraph isomorphism. | [[|sect. 5.2, 5.3]] |
 |11.12.2017| Class canceled for weather alert. | - |  |11.12.2017| Class canceled for weather alert. | - | 
-|12.12.2017| Fine-grained algorithms. SETH conjecture and conditional lower bounds. Guaranteed heuristics. Case study: diameter in undirected unweighted graphs. | TBD |+|12.12.2017| Fine-grained algorithms. SETH conjecture and conditional lower bounds. Guaranteed heuristics. Case study: diameter in undirected unweighted graphs. | [[|notes]] [[|sect. 2.3, 2.4, 3, 4]]|
 |14.12.2017| Approximation in fine-grained algorithms and limitations. Case study: diameter in undirected unweighted graphs. Case study: communities detection in large graphs.| {{ :magistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:diameterapprox.pdf | notes }} [[|paper]] [[|supplement]] | |14.12.2017| Approximation in fine-grained algorithms and limitations. Case study: diameter in undirected unweighted graphs. Case study: communities detection in large graphs.| {{ :magistraleinformatica:ad:ad_17:diameterapprox.pdf | notes }} [[|paper]] [[|supplement]] |
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