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magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_15:start [12/01/2016 alle 09:50 (9 anni fa)] – [Topics] Roberto Grossimagistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_15:start [15/02/2016 alle 06:37 (9 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Roberto Grossi
Linea 119: Linea 119:
 |533408|29|10|9|10|e2:non specifica la regola per mavigare;| |533408|29|10|9|10|e2:non specifica la regola per mavigare;|
 |533772|25|9|6|9|e1:edges are not chosen uniformly at random; e2:missing the rules to navigate; | |533772|25|9|6|9|e1:edges are not chosen uniformly at random; e2:missing the rules to navigate; |
-|534789|18|9|0|9|e1: how the other lists are updated? Missing probabillity of success for wieghed graphs; e2: not done; e3: missing description of how edges are set up;| +|534789|19|9|0|10|e1: how the other lists are updated? Missing probabillity of success for wieghed graphs; e2: not done; | 
-|537580|11|2|0|9|e1: only one point done; e2: not done; e3: how edges are set up?|+|537580|12|2|0|10|e1: only one point done; e2: not done;|
 |538315|28|10|8|10|e2: manca regola per navigare e alcuni dettagli/analisi costruzione| |538315|28|10|8|10|e2: manca regola per navigare e alcuni dettagli/analisi costruzione|
 |539276|25|9|6|9|e1: analysis is not clear in the seocnd point; e2: missing details on the costruction and rules to navigate; | |539276|25|9|6|9|e1: analysis is not clear in the seocnd point; e2: missing details on the costruction and rules to navigate; |
 +Examination of Jan. 20, 2016
 +  * 463883 27
 +  * 468827 26
 +  * 541769 18
 +Examination of Feb. 10, 2016
 +  * 300759  21
 +  * 459410  30
 +  * 489617  29
 +  * 493413  29
 +  * 540574  11
 +  * 541451  12
 +  * 541769  27
 +  * 541784  24
magistraleinformatica/alg2/algo2_15/start.1452592221.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 12/01/2016 alle 09:50 (9 anni fa) da Roberto Grossi

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