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magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:start [02/12/2016 alle 02:09 (8 anni fa)] Roberto Grossimagistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:start [14/01/2017 alle 23:07 (8 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Announcements] Roberto Grossi
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 ==== Announcements ==== ==== Announcements ====
-  * Question timeFriDec. 16, 2016at 9:00-13:00 in room N1 (aula N1).  +  * Exams -- written part[[.results_2016:|results here]]. 
-  * Final test (verifica) on Dec20, 2016at 11:00-13:00 in room C1 (aula C1), please register+  * The {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:esercitazioni2016.pdf|final list}} of problems discussed in class is available.  
-  * Office hours: Thu. 14-18 (in my room at the Dipartimento di Informatica)+  * First meeting for oral exam calendar: Jan. 16, 2016 at 9:00 in office (room 342 DN). 
 +  * Second meeting for oral exam calendar: Feb13, 2016 at 9:00 in office (room 342 DN). 
 +  * Office hours: Thu. 14-18 (in my room at the Dipartimento di Informatica) or by appointment.
 ==== Overview ==== ==== Overview ====
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 Please note that several topics are the outcome of recent advancement in algorithms and data structures, and thus most of the course material consists in research papers or book chapters.  Please note that several topics are the outcome of recent advancement in algorithms and data structures, and thus most of the course material consists in research papers or book chapters. 
-^ Date ^ Topics ^ References and notes ^ 
-| Sept. 21| Introduction to the course. Entrance exam. | - | 
 === Warming up === === Warming up ===
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 ^ Date ^ Topics ^ References and notes ^ ^ Date ^ Topics ^ References and notes ^
 +| Sept. 21| Introduction to the course. Entrance exam. | - |
 | Sept. 22| Graphs representations. BFS. Dijkstra algorithm for SSSP. Problem "hogwarts".| [CLRS 22.1, 22.2, 24.3] {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:hogwarts.pdf|hogwarts}} | | Sept. 22| Graphs representations. BFS. Dijkstra algorithm for SSSP. Problem "hogwarts".| [CLRS 22.1, 22.2, 24.3] {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:hogwarts.pdf|hogwarts}} |
 | Sept. 27| Problem solving: "hogwarts".| {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:hogwarts.pdf|hogwarts}} | | Sept. 27| Problem solving: "hogwarts".| {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:hogwarts.pdf|hogwarts}} |
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 | Dec. 1 | DC3 suffix sort (part II). Review of P and NP classes. | [[|DC3 algorithm (up to Section3)]] {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:exampledc3.pdf|example}}  [CLRS 34.2] | | Dec. 1 | DC3 suffix sort (part II). Review of P and NP classes. | [[|DC3 algorithm (up to Section3)]] {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:exampledc3.pdf|example}}  [CLRS 34.2] |
 | Dec. 6 | Problem solving: external memory k-way merge, permuting and suffix sorting. | {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:esercitazioni2016.pdf|Problems 17, 18 and 19}} | | Dec. 6 | Problem solving: external memory k-way merge, permuting and suffix sorting. | {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:esercitazioni2016.pdf|Problems 17, 18 and 19}} |
 === Enumeration, hardness and approximation of some combinatorial problems === === Enumeration, hardness and approximation of some combinatorial problems ===
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 ^ Date ^ Topics ^ References and notes ^ ^ Date ^ Topics ^ References and notes ^
-| | | | +Dec. 7 Approximations algorithms. Inapproximability of general TSP. 2-approximation for metric TSP. [CLRS preamble, 35.2] 
 +| Dec. 13 | 2-approximation for min-vertex cover and max cut. | [CLRS 35.1] {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_14:lec02.pdf|Notes}} | 
 +| Dec. 14 | Problem solving: greedy strategy for min vertex cover and weighted max cut. | {{:magistraleinformatica:alg2:algo2_16:esercitazioni2016.pdf|Problems 20 and 21}} | 
 +| Dec. 15 | Approximation algorithms for bin-packing and knapsack problems. | [[| chapt.2: par. 2.1.1, 2.2.2]]| 
 +| Dec. 16 | Question time | - |
 == Activity in class == == Activity in class ==
magistraleinformatica/alg2/algo2_16/start.1480644570.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 02/12/2016 alle 02:09 (8 anni fa) da Roberto Grossi

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