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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:start [30/05/2012 alle 08:59 (13 anni fa)] – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina | magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:start [06/05/2015 alle 13:25 (10 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina |
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^ Date ^ Text of the exam ^ Results ^ | ^ Date ^ Text of the exam ^ Results ^ |
| 07/12/2011, hr 9, room N1 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir111207.doc|pre-exam}} | Podda INS, Rullan 19, Ferrucci 22, Volpi 22, Baldini 25, Del Tessandoro 26, Piermartini 27, Piccinno 29, Cicalese 30, De Sensi 30L | | | 07/12/2011 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir111207.doc|pre-exam}} | | |
| 11/01/2012, hr 9, room A,B | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120111.doc|text}}| | | | 11/01/2012 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120111.doc|text}}| | |
| 1/02/2012, hr 9, room A,B | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120201.doc|text}} | | | | 1/02/2012 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120201.doc|text}} | | |
| | 8/06/2012 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120608.doc|text}} | | |
| | 23/07/2012 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120723.doc|text}} | | |
| | 03/09/2012 | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:ir120903.doc|text}} | | |
===== Books, notes, ... ===== | ===== Books, notes, ... ===== |
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| 12/10/2011, afternoon | Top-k retrieval: high idf, champion lists, many-terms, fancy hits, clustering. Relevance feedback (Rocchio), pseudo-relevance feedback, query expansion. Quality of a search engine: precision, recall, F1. A sketch of recommendation systems and XML search engines. | Chap 7, 8, 9, 10 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture04.ppt|Slides}} of this day | | | 12/10/2011, afternoon | Top-k retrieval: high idf, champion lists, many-terms, fancy hits, clustering. Relevance feedback (Rocchio), pseudo-relevance feedback, query expansion. Quality of a search engine: precision, recall, F1. A sketch of recommendation systems and XML search engines. | Chap 7, 8, 9, 10 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture04.ppt|Slides}} of this day | |
| 19/10/2011, afternoon | Web search engines: difficulties for their design, the web-graph and its properties, how to compute the SCC I/O-efficiently, the size of the web and the estimation of the relative sizes of SE, the storage of the web-graph. | Chap 19.1 and 19.2, 19.5, 20.4 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture05.ppt|Slides}} of this day | | | 19/10/2011, afternoon | Web search engines: difficulties for their design, the web-graph and its properties, how to compute the SCC I/O-efficiently, the size of the web and the estimation of the relative sizes of SE, the storage of the web-graph. | Chap 19.1 and 19.2, 19.5, 20.4 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture05.ppt|Slides}} of this day | |
| 26/10/2011, morning | Crawling and consisten hashing. Link-based ranking: PageRank, HITS, and weighted variants. | Chap 20.1, 20.2 and 21 from [MRS]. | | | 26/10/2011, morning | Crawling and consistent hashing. Link-based ranking: PageRank, HITS, and weighted variants. | Chap 20.1, 20.2 and 21 from [MRS]. | |
| 26/10/2011, afternoon | Latent Semantic Indexing and Random projections. Exact and near-document duplication: shingling, fingerprinting and min-wise permutations. | Chap 18 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture06.ppt|Slides}} of this day | | | 26/10/2011, afternoon | Latent Semantic Indexing and Random projections. Exact and near-document duplication: shingling, fingerprinting and min-wise permutations. | Chap 18 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lecture06.ppt|Slides}} of this day | |
| 27/10/2011, afternoon | Lucene in action, and the project on AIRPIM | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lucene.pptx|Slides on lucene}} and {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:project1.pptx|Slides on the Airpim's project}} | | | 27/10/2011, afternoon | Lucene in action, and the project on AIRPIM | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:lucene.pptx|Slides on lucene}} and {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir11:project1.pptx|Slides on the Airpim's project}} | |