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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:start [12/11/2012 alle 21:26 (13 anni fa)] – [Content of the Lectures] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:start [16/07/2013 alle 08:29 (12 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 25: Linea 25:
 ^ Date         ^ Text of the exam ^ Results ^ ^ Date         ^ Text of the exam ^ Results ^
-   |  |  | + 10 January 2013  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:ir130110.docx|text}} | . | 
 + 12 February 2013  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:ir130212.docx|text}} | . | 
 + 25 June 2013  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:ir130625.docx|text}} | . 
 +|  16 July 2013  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:ir130716.docx|text}} | . |
 =====  Books, notes, ... ===== =====  Books, notes, ... =====
Linea 49: Linea 51:
 |   29/10/2012 | Some notes on XML search engines and Web advertising.  | chap 10 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:10-applications.ppt|Slides}}. | |   29/10/2012 | Some notes on XML search engines and Web advertising.  | chap 10 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:10-applications.ppt|Slides}}. |
 |   30/10/2012 | Latent Semantic Indexing and Random projections. Exact and near-document duplication: shingling, fingerprinting and min-wise permutations. Semantic-annotation tools. | chap 18 and 19.6 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:09-tools.ppt|Slides}}. | |   30/10/2012 | Latent Semantic Indexing and Random projections. Exact and near-document duplication: shingling, fingerprinting and min-wise permutations. Semantic-annotation tools. | chap 18 and 19.6 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:09-tools.ppt|Slides}}. |
-|   05/11/2012 | Software project | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:progettino_2012b.pdf|description}} |+|   05/11/2012 | Software project | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:progettino_2012c.pdf|description}} |
 |   08/11/2012 | Clustering: flat, hierarchical, soft, hard. K-means, optimal bisect, hierarchical - max, min, avg, centroid. Co-clustering. | Chap 16 and 17 of [MRS], {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:clustering.ppt|slides}}. | |   08/11/2012 | Clustering: flat, hierarchical, soft, hard. K-means, optimal bisect, hierarchical - max, min, avg, centroid. Co-clustering. | Chap 16 and 17 of [MRS], {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:clustering.ppt|slides}}. |
-|   12/11/2012 | Framework map-reduce, hadoop, with examples. | Slides. | +|   12/11/2012 | Framework map-reduce, hadoop, with examples. | By Claudio Lucchese, {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:slides_mapreduce.pdf|slides}} and some {{|code}}. | 
-|   13/11/2012 | Beyond hadoop: pig and giraffe. | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:piggiraph.pptx|Slides}}. |+|   13/11/2012 | Beyond hadoop: pig and giraffe. | By Fabrizio Silvestri, {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:piggiraph1.pptx|slides}}. 
 +|   19/11/2012 | Project discussion |  | 
 +|   20/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   26/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   27/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   03/12/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   04/12/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   10/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   11/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   17/11/2012 | Lab at home |  | 
 +|   18/11/2012 | Lab at home |  |
magistraleinformatica/ir/ir12/start.1352755583.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 12/11/2012 alle 21:26 (13 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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