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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:start [28/11/2013 alle 15:47 (11 anni fa)] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:start [06/05/2015 alle 13:26 (10 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
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 ^ Date         ^ Room ^ Text ^ ^ Date         ^ Room ^ Text ^
-| 08-01-14, 9:00 |  C  | result +| 08-01-14, 9:00 |  C  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:ir140108.docx|written exam}}.  
-| 29-01-14, 9:00 |  C  | result |+| 29-01-14, 9:00 |  C  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:ir140129.docx|written exam}} |
 | 10-02-14, 9:30 |  Seminari Ovest, Dip. Informatica  | Pitch of the projects, whose deadline is 09-02 at 12:00 | | 10-02-14, 9:30 |  Seminari Ovest, Dip. Informatica  | Pitch of the projects, whose deadline is 09-02 at 12:00 |
 +| 09-06-14, 9:00 |  L1  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:ir140609.docx|written exam}} |
 +| 30-06-14, 9:00 |  F  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:ir140630.docx|written exam}} |
 +| 29-07-14, 9:00 |  L1  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:ir140729.docx|written exam}} |
 =====  Books ===== =====  Books =====
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 | 10/10/2013  | Posting list compression, codes: gamma, delta, variable bytes, PForDelta. Rank and Select primitives: definition and their use. Elias-Fano code and its use for postings compression. | Read this {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-integercodes.pdf|paper}} for the codes seen in class and Sez 5.3 of [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:04-compression_integers.ppt|Slides}} | | 10/10/2013  | Posting list compression, codes: gamma, delta, variable bytes, PForDelta. Rank and Select primitives: definition and their use. Elias-Fano code and its use for postings compression. | Read this {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-integercodes.pdf|paper}} for the codes seen in class and Sez 5.3 of [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:04-compression_integers.ppt|Slides}} |
 | 15/10/2013  | Huffman and Arithmetic coding, with comparisons with Entropy and comment on their performance. | Read pag. 21-36, 52-56 of [MG]| | 15/10/2013  | Huffman and Arithmetic coding, with comparisons with Entropy and comment on their performance. | Read pag. 21-36, 52-56 of [MG]|
-| 17/10/2013 | LZ77 and gzip. Hashing with chaining, cuckoo hashing, Bloom Filter. | Read pag. 74-79 of [MG]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-cuckoo.pdf|Paper}} on cuckoo, just description (no proof). Paper on {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-bloomfilter.pdf|bloom filter}} (just things looked in class). |+| 17/10/2013 | LZ77 and gzip. Hashing with chaining, universal hashing, cuckoo hashing, Bloom Filter. | Read pag. 74-79 of [MG]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-cuckoo.pdf|Paper}} on cuckoo, just description (no proof). Paper on {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir12:reading-bloomfilter.pdf|bloom filter}} (just things looked in class). |
 | 22/10/2013   | Prefix-search: trie, front-coding and two-level indexing. Text-based ranking: dice, jaccard, tf-idf. Vector space model. Storage of tf-idf and use for computing document-query similarity. | Sect 6.2, 6.3 from [MRS].  {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:05-dictsearch.ppt|Slides}} | | 22/10/2013   | Prefix-search: trie, front-coding and two-level indexing. Text-based ranking: dice, jaccard, tf-idf. Vector space model. Storage of tf-idf and use for computing document-query similarity. | Sect 6.2, 6.3 from [MRS].  {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:05-dictsearch.ppt|Slides}} |
 | 24/10/2010   | Fast top-k retrieval: high idf, champion lists, many query-terms, fancy hits, clustering. Relevance feedback, Rocchio, pseudo-relevance feedback, query expansion.| Chap 7 and 9 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:06-ranking.ppt|Slides}} | | 24/10/2010   | Fast top-k retrieval: high idf, champion lists, many query-terms, fancy hits, clustering. Relevance feedback, Rocchio, pseudo-relevance feedback, query expansion.| Chap 7 and 9 from [MRS]. {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:06-ranking.ppt|Slides}} |
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 | 21/11/2013   | Semantic-annotation tools: advanced and some applications.  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:12-topic_annotators.pptx|Slides}} | | 21/11/2013   | Semantic-annotation tools: advanced and some applications.  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:12-topic_annotators.pptx|Slides}} |
 | 26/11/2013  | Clustering: flat, hierarchical, soft, hard. K-means, optimal bisect, hierarchical - max, min, avg, centroid. | Chap 16 and 17 of [MRS], {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:11-clustering.ppt|Slides}} | | 26/11/2013  | Clustering: flat, hierarchical, soft, hard. K-means, optimal bisect, hierarchical - max, min, avg, centroid. | Chap 16 and 17 of [MRS], {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:11-clustering.ppt|Slides}} |
-| 28/11/2013  | ... |  +| 28/11/2013 Learning to Rank: definition, BM25 and some of its variants, NDCG@K, RankNet, Genetic Algorithm, SVM| Joint lecture with Claudio Lucchese{{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:unipi_-_learning_to_rank_i.pdf|Slides.}}
-| 03/12/2013  | ... |  +| 03/12/2013 Advanced Algorithms for learning-to-rank: Gradient Boosted Regression Trees, Lambda-MartUsing the implicit user feedback to evaluate a WSE and create a training set| Joint lecture with Claudio Lucchese{{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:unipi_-_learning_to_rank_ii.pdf|Slides}}. Read this {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:2007_tois_feeback_from_clicks.pdf|paper}} and the parts in Chap 1-4 of this {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:1_-_learning_to_rank.pdf|survey}} dealt with in class. 
-| 05/12/2013  | ... |  +| 05/12/2013 Auto-completion search: definition, trie, top-k, cartesian tree, RMQ| Joint lecture with Rossano VenturiniYou can deepen the study at [[|Sect 8.4.1]] and Sect 2 and 3 of this [[|paper]].
-| 10/12/2013  | ... |  +| 10/12/2013 Rank/select over binary arrays, succinct tree encodings (LOUDS, BP, DFUDS) and navigational operations over them, succinct Patricia trie| Joint lecture with Rossano Venturini{{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir13:autocompletion2.pdf|Slides}} are enough.
-| 12/12/2013 ... |  | +| 12/12/2013 Q&A and exercises |  | 
-| 17/12/2013 ... |  | +| 17/12/2013 Q&A and exercises |  |
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