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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:start [27/06/2019 alle 10:35 (6 anni fa)] – [Exam] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:start [16/07/2019 alle 10:19 (6 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 41: Linea 41:
 | 4 apr 2019, 11:00-13:00 |   | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:ir190404.docx |text}} | Results: Sabiu (30 L), Cardia (30). Correction and registration will occur in Ferragina's office: Monday 15th april at 14:30 (sharp), otherwise in any other following exam's date. | | 4 apr 2019, 11:00-13:00 |   | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:ir190404.docx |text}} | Results: Sabiu (30 L), Cardia (30). Correction and registration will occur in Ferragina's office: Monday 15th april at 14:30 (sharp), otherwise in any other following exam's date. |
 | 18 jun 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:ir190618.docx |text}} | Results. If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping. | | 18 jun 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:ir190618.docx |text}} | Results. If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping. |
-17 jul 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | text Results If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping.|+16 jul 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:ir190716.docx |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir18:sol_ir_190716.pdf |solution}} | If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping.|
 | 11 sep 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | text | Results.  If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping.| | 11 sep 2019, 09:00-13:00 | L1  | text | Results.  If a student wishes to take also the Algorithm Engineering exam, s/he has to write to Prof. Ferragina for scheduling it in the same morning and avoid overlapping.|
magistraleinformatica/ir/ir18/start.1561631700.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 27/06/2019 alle 10:35 (6 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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