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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:start [12/06/2020 alle 09:53 (5 anni fa)] – [Exams] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:start [15/06/2020 alle 07:28 (5 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exams] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 43: Linea 43:
 | 13/01/20, 14:00-17:00 | room on exam's site | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:ir200113.docx |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:soluzione_ir_13-1-2020_1.pdf |solution}}. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. | | 13/01/20, 14:00-17:00 | room on exam's site | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:ir200113.docx |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:soluzione_ir_13-1-2020_1.pdf |solution}}. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. |
 | 10/02/20, 14:00-17:00 | room on exam's site | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:ir200210.docx |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:soluzione_ir_10-2-2020.pdf |solution}}. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. | | 10/02/20, 14:00-17:00 | room on exam's site | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:ir200210.docx |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:soluzione_ir_10-2-2020.pdf |solution}}. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. |
-| 15/06/20, 9:00- | virtual room on Teams | pre-test to be admitted to the oral. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. |+| 15/06/20, 9:00- | virtual room on Teams | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir19:ir200615.pdf |pre-test}} to be admitted to the oral. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. |
 | 13/07/20, 9:00- | virtual room on Teams | pre-test to be admitted to the oral. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. | | 13/07/20, 9:00- | virtual room on Teams | pre-test to be admitted to the oral. | The score is lost if the student participates to one of the next exams (just sitting is enough !). The score can be registered in any of the following exam dates (even in the summer), but PLEASE do not write your name in the ESAMI platform if you want to register your exam score, just show yourself in one of those dates. |
magistraleinformatica/ir/ir19/start.1591955616.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 12/06/2020 alle 09:53 (5 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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