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Information Retrieval - Academic Year 2019/2020
General Information
- Teacher : Paolo Ferragina
- Course ID: 289AA
- CFU: 6 (first semester)
- Language: English
- Question time: Monday 15-17, or appointment (given COVID-19 situation this will occur via video-conference in the virtual room of the course)
- Official Lecture's Log: Here it is the registro.
- News about this course will be distributed via a Telegram channel
Study, design and analysis of IR systems which are efficient and effective to process, mine, search, cluster and classify documents, coming from textual as well as any unstructured domain. In the lectures, we will:
- study and analyze the main components of a modern search engine: Crawler, Parser, Compressor, Indexer, Query resolver, Query and Document annotator, Results Ranker;
- dig into some basic algorithmic techniques which are now ubiquitous in any IR application for data compression, indexing and sketching;
- describe few other IR tools which are used either as a component of a search engine or as independent tools and build up the previous algorithmic techniques, such as: Classification, Clustering, Recommendation, Random Sampling, Locality Sensitive Hashing.
Schedule of the Lectures
Week Schedule | ||
Day | Time Slot | Room |
Monday | 11:00 - 13:00 | Virtual Room of the course |
Tuesday | 9:00 - 11:00 | Virtual Room of the course (as above) |
The exam will consist of a written pre-test plus an oral discussion.
News: We will have one midterm exam in November and one in December, this will be done virtually via MS forms with a set of questions and a short time to answer. At the end of the midterm, you'll have also to upload the papers in which you sketched the calculations/simulations that allowed you to get your solutions/answers. The two midterms will be combined with an oral exam to be given in December/January.
Date | Room | Text | Notes |
16.11.2020, start at 11:00 | virtual | MidTerm exam: text, results, solution (add to ex 3 the dyn prog) | The exam will consists of questions to be solved in 45 mins, students have to submit their draft paper with the explanation for the provided answers. There will be a final term exam in December and the votes of the two exams will be averaged. In January, the students who got an average >= 18 will need to pass an oral exam, which can increase or decrease the final vote (by few points). |
15.12.2020, start at 9:00 | virtual | Final Term exam: text, results, solution | The exam will consist of questions to be solved in 45 mins, students have to submit their draft paper with the explanation for the provided answers. In January, the students who got an average >= 18 will need to pass an oral exam, which can increase or decrease the final vote (by few points). The date of the oral exam is 8 and 11 January 2021, students have to register themselves at the following agenda (order will be defined at the beginning of the time slot). Students can attend the oral in any next exam date of the Winter exam session.. |
15.01.2021, start at 11:00 | virtual (details on | text, results, solution | Students that have to perform the written exam have to connect to the virtual room of the course at the date and hour specified here on the side. Students that have passed previous written exams or the midterms have to check this site in the dates immediately after the 15/01, where I'll post the agenda to book their participation to the oral exam. All communications will occur also via Telegram channel of the course (see above). |
05.02.2021, start at 11:00 | virtual (details on | text, results, solution |
Materials for study
- [MRS] C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schutze. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008. [ link ]
- Some copies of papers or notes (linked below).
Date | Argument | Refs |
14.09.2020 | Introduction to the course: modern IR, not just search engines! Boolean retrieval model. Matrix document-term. Inverted list: dictionary + postings. How to implement an AND, OR and NOT queries, and their time complexities. | Slides. Chapter 1 of [MRS] |
15.09.2020 | Skip pointers, Zone indexes, Web search engine: its structure, difficulties in their design and their epochs. The Web graph: some useful structural properties (such as Bow Tie). | Slides. Sections 19.1, 19.2, 19.4 of [MRS]. |
21.09.2020 | Lecture canceled because of elections | |
22.09.2020 | Crawling: problems and algorithmic structure. An example: Mercator. The bloom filter: definition, time/space complexity and error bound. | Slide. Sections 20.1, 20.2 of [MRS]. For doubts on Bloom Filter see paper. |
28.09.2020 | Spectral Bloom Filter. Some other uses of Bloom Filter: Finding the k-topmost frequent items, or speeding up virus detectors, or speeding up DBs. Consistent Hashing. Exercises on Bloom Filter and Consistent hashing. | Slides of the previous lecture. Sect 19.1 and 19.2 of [MRS] and this page and note for consistent hashing. |
29.09.2020 | Web graph compression: properties of the web, power laws, and compression the adjacency lists. Locality-sensitive hashing: basics, hamming distance, proof of the probability bounds. | Sect 20.3 and 20.4 of [MRS]. Slides and notes on LSH |
05/10/20 | Exact-duplicate documents: Karp-Rabin's rolling hash (with properties and error probability). Near-duplicate documents: Shingling, Jaccard similarity, min-hashing (with prob property), LSH on integer vectors. | Slides. Sect 19.6 of [MRS] |
06/10/20 | Cosine-similarity among vectors of real-features. Exercises on LSH and shingling. | |
12/10/20 | The issue of hierarchical memories: I/O-model. Index construction: multi-way mergesort, BSBI and SPIMI. | Slides. Chapter 4 of [MRS] |
13/10/20 | Sketch on MapReduce. Distributed indexing: Term-based vs Doc-based partitioning. Dynamic indexing: two indexes, a cascade of indexes. Compressed storage of documents: LZ-based compression. | Slides. Chapter 4 of [MRS]. |
19.10.2020 | Storage and Transmission of single/group of file(s): Delta compression (Zdelta), File Synchronization (rsync, zsync). | Reading a paper. |
20.10.2020 | Exercises | |
26.10.2020 | Parsing: tokenization, normalization, lemmatization, stemming, thesauri. Statistical properties of texts: Zipf law: classical and generalized, Heaps law, Luhn's consideration. Keyword extraction: statistical, chi-square test, Rake tool. | Slides. Sect. 2.1, 2.2 and 5.1 of [MRS]. |
27.10.2020 | Exact search: hashing. Prefix search: compacted trie, front coding, 2-level indexing. Edit distance via brute-force approach, or Dynamic Programming (possibly weighted). One-error match. | Slide. |
02.11.2020 | Overlap measure with k-gram index. Edit distance with k-gram index. Wild-card queries (permuterm, k-gram). Phonetic match. Context-sensitive match. | Chap 3 of [MRS]. |
Topics for the first midterm exam stop here. | ||
03.11.2020 | Query processing: soft-AND, skip pointers, caching, phrase queries. Tiered index. Posting list compression, codes: gamma, variable bytes (t-nibble), PForDelta. | Sect. 2.3 and 2.4 and 5.3 of [MRS] and Ferragina's notes (only the coders presented in class). Slides 1 and slides 2. |
09.11.2020 | Exercises for midterm exam. | |
10.11.2020 | Text-based ranking: dice, jaccard, tf-idf. Vector space model. Storage of tf-idf and use for computing document-query similarity. | Sect 6.2 and 6.3 and 7 from [MRS]. Slides |
16.11.2020 | Midterm exam, fully online | |
17.11.2020 | No lecture | |
23.11.2020 | Fast top-k retrieval: high idf, champion lists, many query-terms, fancy hits, clustering. Exact Top-K: WAND and blocked-WAND. | Chap 8 and 9 of [MRS] |
24.11.2020 | Relevance feedback, Rocchio, pseudo-relevance feedback, query expansion. Performance measures: precision, recall, F1 and user happiness. | |
30.11.2020 | Random Walks. Link-based ranking: pagerank, topic-based pagerank, personalized pagerank. | Chap 21 of [MRS]. Slides |
01.12.2020 | HITS. Projections to smaller spaces: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). | Chap 18 from [MRS]. Slides. |
07.12.2020 | Exercises | |
11.12.2020 | Friday at 18:00 :: Exercises | |
15.12.2020 | Final term exam, fully online |