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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:start [05/12/2023 alle 12:07 (16 mesi fa)] – [Lectures] Giorgio Vinciguerramagistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:start [06/09/2024 alle 07:37 (6 mesi fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exams] Giorgio Vinciguerra
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 ====== Exams ====== ====== Exams ======
-The exam will consist of a written test including two parts: **exercises and "oral" questions**. The exam is passed if in both parts the student gets a sufficient score (expressed as 20+10), which are then summed.+The exam will consist of a written test including two parts: **exercises and "oral" questions**. The exam is passed if in both parts the student gets a sufficient scoreexpressed as the sum of two reported grades.
 The first (exercises) and the second (theory questions) parts of the exam can be split into different exam dates, even of different exam sessions. The exam dates are the ones indicated in the calendar on ESAMI. In the case that the second part is not passed or the student abandons the exam, (s)he can keep the rank of the first exam, but this may occur just once. The second time this happens, the rank of the first part is dropped, and the student has to do both parts again. The first (exercises) and the second (theory questions) parts of the exam can be split into different exam dates, even of different exam sessions. The exam dates are the ones indicated in the calendar on ESAMI. In the case that the second part is not passed or the student abandons the exam, (s)he can keep the rank of the first exam, but this may occur just once. The second time this happens, the rank of the first part is dropped, and the student has to do both parts again.
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 ^ Date  ^ Room  ^ Text ^ Notes | ^ Date  ^ Room  ^ Text ^ Notes |
-| 13/11/2023, start at 14:00 | room E | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113-sol1.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113-ris.pdf |results}} |  | +| 13/11/2023, start at 14:00 | room E | Mid-term exam. {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113-sol1.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231113-ris.pdf |results}} | 
 +| 15/12/2023, start at 9:00 | room E | Final-term exam. {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231215.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir231215-sol.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23: ir231215-ris.pdf |results}}| Students must register at [[ |]] on the exam date of January and write "final-term" in the notes.  | 
 +| 16/01/2024, start at 9:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240116.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240116-sol.pdf |solution}} | | 
 +| 07/02/2024, start at 11:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240207.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240207-sol.pdf |solution}} | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240207-res.pdf |Results}}. Students accepting their vote have to send an email to Ferragina, with that statement. Correction occurs on Wednesday, 14th February, at 17:30 in the Teams' room of the course. When you are there, please write on the chat that you are "waiting". | 
 +| 27/05/2024, start at 11:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240527.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir_solution_27.05.24.pdf |solution}} |  | 
 +| 21/06/2024, start at 11:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240621.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir_solution_21.06.24.pdf |solution}} |  | 
 +| 11/07/2024, start at 11:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240711.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240711-sol.pdf |solution}} |  | 
 +| 04/09/2024, start at 09:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240904.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir240904-sol.pdf |solution}} |  |
 ====== Materials for study ====== ====== Materials for study ======
Linea 83: Linea 89:
 | 04.12.2023 | Topic-specific PageRank. Personalized PageRank. HITS. Application to Text Summarization. Exercise on PageRank.  | Sect 21.2.3 and 21.3 of [MRS]. | | 04.12.2023 | Topic-specific PageRank. Personalized PageRank. HITS. Application to Text Summarization. Exercise on PageRank.  | Sect 21.2.3 and 21.3 of [MRS]. |
 | 05.12.2023 | Projections to smaller spaces: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Exercise on TF-IDF. | Chapter 18 of [MRS].\\ [[|Slides]]. | | 05.12.2023 | Projections to smaller spaces: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Exercise on TF-IDF. | Chapter 18 of [MRS].\\ [[|Slides]]. |
- +| 11.12.2023 | **Extra lecture (11-13, room C)**: Exercises on posting list compression, Personalized PageRank, WAND and Blocked WANDLab on Entity linkers: TagMe. | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir-lab23-24-annotators.pptx |Slides}}. 
-Planned: +| 12.12.2023 | **Extra lecture (11-13, room C)**: Lab on ElasticSearch, please bring your own laptop and make sure you have a working installation of a recent version of Python and [[|Anaconda]]. Use them to create a clean environment specific for this course. The only required package is ElasticSearch: install it via ''pip install elasticsearch==7.14.0''. All material of the lecture is in this [[|repo]] | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir23:ir-lab23-24-indexing.pptx |Slides}}. |
-| 11.12.2023 | **Extra lecture (11-13, room C)**: Exercises. TagMe. |  +
-| 12.12.2023 | **Extra lecture (11-13, room C)**: Lab on ElasticSearch, please bring your own laptop and make sure you have a working installation of a recent version of Python and [[|Anaconda]]. Use them to create a clean environment specific for this course. The only required package is ElasticSearch: install it via ''pip install elasticsearch==7.14.0''. All material of the lecture is in this [[|repo]] | |+
 | 15.12.2023 | **Final-term exam (9-11, room E)** | |  | 15.12.2023 | **Final-term exam (9-11, room E)** | | 
magistraleinformatica/ir/ir23/start.1701778044.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 05/12/2023 alle 12:07 (16 mesi fa) da Giorgio Vinciguerra

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