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magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:start [02/02/2015 alle 08:00 (10 anni fa)] – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina | magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:start [19/06/2015 alle 10:39 (10 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina |
^ Date ^ Room ^ Text ^ | ^ Date ^ Room ^ Text ^ |
| 22/01/2015, 09:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:lab150122.doc|text}} | | | 22/01/2015, 09:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:lab150122.doc|text}} | |
| 13/02/2015, 09:00 | L1 | text | | | 13/02/2015, 09:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:lab150213.doc|text}} | |
| | 05/06/2015, 09:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:lab150605.doc|text}} | |
| | 29-06-2015, 09:00 | L1 | text | |
| | 20-07-2015, 09:00 | L1 | text | |
| | 10-09-2015, 09:00 | L1 | text | |
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Few related [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/ci49poek5armjf3/papersP1.zip?dl=0|papers]]. | Few related [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/ci49poek5armjf3/papersP1.zip?dl=0|papers]]. |
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**Project 2.** The [[https://mega.co.nz/#!XFslwRjA!G_JptVb3EeFVAKvPUTxjZ9ISMKoP7IuFhr6hdt5iyYg|dataset]] consists of 2.8Gb of 7zipped web pages drawn from the UK-GOV2 collection, and in [[http://commoncrawl.org/navigating-the-warc-file-format/|WARC format]]. Some techniques that you can use for your project are described in these [[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7999075/progettiLab2014.zip|papers]]. Software libraries are indicated [[http://didawiki.cli.di.unipi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php/magistraleinformatica/lad/lad14/algorithmengineeringlab_-_projects.docx|here]], plus few additional softwares from students listed below: | **Project 2.** The [[https://mega.co.nz/#!XFslwRjA!G_JptVb3EeFVAKvPUTxjZ9ISMKoP7IuFhr6hdt5iyYg|dataset]] consists of 2.8Gb of 7zipped web pages drawn from the UK-GOV2 collection, and in [[http://commoncrawl.org/navigating-the-warc-file-format/|WARC format]]. Some techniques that you can use for your project are described in these [[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7999075/Progetto%202%20-%20papers.zip|papers]]. Software libraries are indicated [[http://didawiki.cli.di.unipi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php/magistraleinformatica/lad/lad14/algorithmengineeringlab_-_projects.docx|here]], plus few additional softwares from students listed below: |
* {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:libwarc-75524e4.tgz|WARC parser}} (by Andrea Cardaci). | * {{:magistraleinformatica:lad:lad14:libwarc-75524e4.tgz|WARC parser}} (by Andrea Cardaci). |
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