Entrambe le parti precedenti la revisioneRevisione precedenteProssima revisione | Revisione precedente |
magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:2019-20:start [13/09/2020 alle 08:42 (5 anni fa)] – [Announcements] Roberto Bruni | magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:2019-20:start [12/02/2021 alle 23:27 (4 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Oral Exams: schedule] Roberto Bruni |
{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:hand-drawing-diagram.png?180 | }} | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:hand-drawing-diagram.png?180 | }} |
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**MPB 2020/21 (295AA / 372AA, 6 cfu)** | **MPB 2019/20 (295AA / 372AA, 6 cfu)** |
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Lecturer: **Roberto Bruni** | Lecturer: **Roberto Bruni** |
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* [[http://bpm-book.com/|Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures]] (book on BPM, main reference) | * [[http://bpm-book.com/|Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures]] (book on BPM, main reference) |
* [[http://www.padsweb.rwth-aachen.de/wvdaalst/publications/p110.pdf|Diagnosing workflow processes using Woflan]] (article on Formal Analysis of Workflows, recommended reading) | * [[http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~wvdaalst/publications/p135.pdf|Diagnosing workflow processes using Woflan]] (article on Formal Analysis of Workflows, recommended reading) |
* [[http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/workflow-management|Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems]] (book on Workflow Management, optional reading) | * [[http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/workflow-management|Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems]] (book on Workflow Management, optional reading) |
* [[http://www7.in.tum.de/~esparza/bookfc.html|Free Choice Nets]] (book on Petri nets, optional reading) | * [[http://www7.in.tum.de/~esparza/bookfc.html|Free Choice Nets]] (book on Petri nets, optional reading) |
* [[http://fundamentals-of-bpm.org/|Fundamentals of Business Process Management]] (book on BPMN, optional reading) | * [[http://fundamentals-of-bpm.org/|Fundamentals of Business Process Management]] (book on BPMN, optional reading) |
* [[https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783662498507|Process Mining]] (book on Process Mining, optional reading) | * [[http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/book/978-3-642-19344-6|Process Mining]] (book on Process Mining, optional reading) |
* Further bibliography and lecture notes will be indicated during the course. | * Further bibliography and lecture notes will be indicated during the course. |
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[[http://bpmn.io/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bpmn.io.logo.png?50|}}]] | [[http://bpmn.io/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bpmn.io.logo.png?50|}}]] |
[[http://www.intalio.com/products/bpms/overview/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bpms.png?70|}}]] | [[http://www.intalio.com/products/bpms/overview/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bpms.png?70|}}]] |
[[https://www.bizagi.com/platform/modeler|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:100x_modeler.png?60|}}]] | [[http://www.bizagi.com/index.php/en/products/bizagi-process-modeler|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:100x_modeler.png?60|}}]] |
[[http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:vpuml60logo.gif?150|http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml}}]] | [[http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:vpuml60logo.gif?150|http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml}}]] |
[[https://yawlfoundation.github.io/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:ylogo.png?80|}}]] | [[http://www.yawlfoundation.org/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:ylogo.png?80|}}]] |
[[http://www.processmining.org/prom/start|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:tools.png?60}}]] | [[http://www.processmining.org/prom/start|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:tools.png?60}}]] |
[[http://bimp.cs.ut.ee/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bimp-log.png?80}}]] | [[http://bimp.cs.ut.ee/|{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:mpb:bimp-log.png?80}}]] |
* [[http://bpmn.io/|BPMN.io]]: BPMN Editor | * [[http://bpmn.io/|BPMN.io]]: BPMN Editor |
* [[http://www.intalio.com/products/bpms/overview/|BPMS]]: Intalio BPMN Editor | * [[http://www.intalio.com/products/bpms/overview/|BPMS]]: Intalio BPMN Editor |
* [[https://www.bizagi.com/platform/modeler|Bizagi Process Modeler]]: BPMN editor (Windows only) | * [[http://www.bizagi.com/index.php/en/products/bizagi-process-modeler|Bizagi Process Modeler]]: BPMN editor (Windows only) |
* [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/|Visual Paradigm]] supports University of Pisa with [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/features/uml-and-sysml-tools/|UML tools]] and [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/features/database-design-with-erd-tools/|ERD tools]] under the [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/partner/academic/|VP Academic Training Partner Program]] | * [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/|Visual Paradigm]] supports University of Pisa with [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/features/uml-and-sysml-tools/|UML tools]] and [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/features/database-design-with-erd-tools/|ERD tools]] under the [[https://www.visual-paradigm.com/partner/academic/|VP Academic Training Partner Program]] |
* [[https://yawlfoundation.github.io/|YAWL]]: Yet Another Workflow Language platform | * [[http://www.yawlfoundation.org/|YAWL]]: Yet Another Workflow Language platform |
* [[http://www.processmining.org/prom/start|ProM]]: Process Mining Framework | * [[http://www.processmining.org/prom/start|ProM]]: Process Mining Framework |
* [[http://bimp.cs.ut.ee/|BIMP]]: Business Process Simulator | * [[http://bimp.cs.ut.ee/|BIMP]]: Business Process Simulator |
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==== Exams ==== | ==== Exams ==== |
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The evaluation will be based on a group project and an oral exam. | The evaluation will be based on mid-term written exams, a group project and an oral exam. |
| The final score will be obtained by combining the scores of the above exams with equal weight. |
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| The mid-term exam will be held on: **To be announced**.\\ |
[[https://esami.unipi.it/esami/|Registration]] to the exam is mandatory. | [[https://esami.unipi.it/esami/|Registration]] to the exam is mandatory. |
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==== Announcements ==== | ==== Announcements ==== |
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* **covid-19**:\\ Due to the covid-19 alert, all lectures are held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. Click to enter the [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aaf85f87d0c6542c0a8f54b23a1422c21%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=776b67cd-cfec-4ddb-aa25-d771667d226d&tenantId=c7456b31-a220-47f5-be52-473828670aa1|virtual classroom]] | * **Mid-Term**:\\ The mid-term exam will be held on **Wednesday 13/11, from 9:00 to 11:00 in room C** |
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| * **canceled lecture**:\\ The lecture of **Monday 4/11** has been canceled due to travelling constraints |
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| * **room change**:\\ **Wednesday** lectures are moved to room **C** |
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| * **room change**:\\ **Monday** lectures are moved to room **N1** |
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* **as the course starts**:\\ Each student should send an email to the professor from his/her favourite email account with **subject MPB19** and the following data\\ (by doing so, the account will be included in the class mailing-list, where important announcements can be sent): | * **as the course starts**:\\ Each student should send an email to the professor from his/her favourite email account with **subject MPB19** and the following data\\ (by doing so, the account will be included in the class mailing-list, where important announcements can be sent): |