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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:start [10/05/2016 alle 09:04 (9 anni fa)] – [Lectures] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:start [12/01/2017 alle 21:15 (8 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
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 \\ \\
- +**Student meetings June-July - Ferragina's office**: June 3 (hr 9-11), June 13 (hr 9-11) and June 21 (hr 9-11). In July it will be by appointment (send email to me).
 ====== Goals ======  ====== Goals ====== 
Linea 33: Linea 33:
 ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Testo ^ ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Testo ^
-| 6 June 2016, hr 9:00 | L1 |  | +| 6 June 2016, hr 9:00 | L1 | no participants  | 
-| 27 June 2016, hr 14:00 | L1 |  +| 27 June 2016, hr 14:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:ae160627.doc|text}} 
-| 19 July 2016, hr 9:00 | L1 |  |+| 19 July 2016, hr 9:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:ae160719.doc|text}} | 
 +| 2 September 2016, hr 9:30 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:ae160902.doc|text}} | 
 +| 12 January 2017, hr 9:00 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:ae170112.doc|text}} | 
 +| 3 February 2017, hr 9:00 | L1 | text | 
Linea 89: Linea 93:
 | 09/05/16  | Topological sort. Minimum Spanning Tree problem: definition, Greedy approach.  | Other {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:mst-clr.pdf|chap on MST of CLR}}  | | 09/05/16  | Topological sort. Minimum Spanning Tree problem: definition, Greedy approach.  | Other {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:mst-clr.pdf|chap on MST of CLR}}  |
 | 10/05/16  | Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms, proof of correctness, semi-external version, analysis of time/IO complexity. A running example.  |   | | 10/05/16  | Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms, proof of correctness, semi-external version, analysis of time/IO complexity. A running example.  |   |
-| 12/05/16 lecture 9-11 in room N1: Shortest Path problem: Dijkstra's algorithm. Algorithms for external and semi-external computation of MST.  | For Shortest Path look at this note on [[|note]]. For external MST, look at Sect 11.5 of the {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:mst-mehlhorn.pdf|Mehlhorn-Sander's book}}. | +| 12/05/16  | Shortest Path problem: Dijkstra's algorithm. Algorithms for external and semi-external computation of MST.  | For Shortest Path look at this [[|note]]. For external MST, look at Sect 11.5 of the {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:mst-mehlhorn.pdf|Mehlhorn-Sander's book}}. | 
-| 19/05/16 lecture 9-11 in room N1: Also use of MST for clustering and for the bottleneck shortest path problem (no proof). Steiner Tree problem: definition and a 2-approximate solutionTraveling Salesman Tour problem: definition and 2-approximate solution. | Look at sect 11.5 and 11.6 of Sanders-Mehlhorn's book. +| 19/05/16 Use of MST for clustering and for the bottleneck shortest path problem (no proof). The case of negative edges in Shortest Path problem: Bellman-Ford's algorithmHow to detect negative cycle in a directed graph. | Few {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2015:15shortestpaths.pdf|slides}} on BF-algorithm 
-| 23/05/16 lecture 9-11 in room L1  |   | +| 23/05/16 Exercises on graphs    |
-| 24/05/16  | lecture 9-11 in room N1    |+
magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2015/start.1462871052.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 10/05/2016 alle 09:04 (9 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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