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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:start [04/09/2017 alle 08:44 (8 anni fa)] – [Algorithm Engineering A.A. 2016-2017] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:start [05/09/2017 alle 15:53 (8 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 18: Linea 18:
 **Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures is available below and with the [[ | official registro]]. **Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures is available below and with the [[ | official registro]].
 \\ \\
-^           Next student meetings (summer time)           ^ 
-|  | 
Linea 45: Linea 42:
 | 29/06/2017 |  A (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae170629.doc |text}} | | 29/06/2017 |  A (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae170629.doc |text}} |
 | 27/07/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae170727.doc |text}} | | 27/07/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae170727.doc |text}} |
-| 05/09/2017 |  N1 (15:00)  | text |+| 05/09/2017 |  N1 (15:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae170905.doc |text}}\\ {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2016:ae-solution-170905.pdf|Solution}} |
magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2016/start.1504514678.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 04/09/2017 alle 08:44 (8 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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