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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:start [06/12/2017 alle 12:12 (7 anni fa)] – [Lectures (preliminary schedule and links)] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:start [04/10/2024 alle 07:42 (5 mesi fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 41: Linea 41:
 ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^ ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^
-| 30/10/2017, hr 9-11 |  C1  | Midterm exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae171030.doc |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae-compitino1.pdf |results}} (visione compiti a lezione, 6 nov)| +| 30/10/2017, hr 9-11 |  C1  | Midterm exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae171030.doc |text}} 
-18/12/2017, hr 9-11 |  C1  | Finalterm exam: text | +| 18/12/2017hr 9-11 |  C1  | Finalterm exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae171218.doc |text}} (visione compiti giorni 19-21 dicembre 2017 ore 10-12. Registrazione in the dates of the following written exams.), {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:soluzione_-_secondo_compitino_ae.pdf |soluzione}} 
-| 15/01/2018, hr 14 |  C1  | Exam: text | +15/01/2018, hr 14 |  C1  | Exam{{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae180115.doc |text}} 
-| 15/02/2018, hr 14 |  C1  | Exam: text |+| 15/02/2018, hr 14 |  C1  | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae180215.doc |text}} 
 +| 15/06/2018, hr 09-11 |  L1  | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae180615.doc |text}} | 
 +| 16/07/2018, hr 09-11 |  L1  | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae180716.doc |text}} | 
 +| 04/09/2018, hr 09-13 |  E  | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:ae180904.doc |text}} |
Linea 58: Linea 61:
-====== Lectures (preliminary schedule and links) ====== +====== Lectures ====== 
 ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Biblio ^ Slides ^ ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Biblio ^ Slides ^
Linea 100: Linea 103:
 |05/12/2017  | No lecture  |  | |05/12/2017  | No lecture  |  |
 |06/12/2017  | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS and gzip. LZ8 and LZW. LZ parsing with suffix trees and LCA queries.  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:datacompression_-_completo.pptx |Slides}}\\ Chap 13, no par 13.4, and Chap 10 at sect 10.4.2 | |06/12/2017  | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS and gzip. LZ8 and LZW. LZ parsing with suffix trees and LCA queries.  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2017:datacompression_-_completo.pptx |Slides}}\\ Chap 13, no par 13.4, and Chap 10 at sect 10.4.2 |
-|06/12/2017  | Burrows-Wheeler Transform (forward and backward), Move-To-Front, Run-Length-Encoding, bzip2. | Chap. 14 of the notes.  Do not study Theorem 14.5 and sections 14.4 and 14.5. |+|06/12/2017  | Burrows-Wheeler Transform (forward and backward), Move-To-Front (with proof of entropy bound), Run-Length-Encoding, bzip2. | Chap. 14 of the notes.  Do not study sections 14.4 and 14.5. |
 |13/12/2017  | Exercises on data compression. |    | |13/12/2017  | Exercises on data compression. |    |
magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2017/start.1512562356.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 06/12/2017 alle 12:12 (7 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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