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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:start [17/01/2023 alle 10:11 (2 anni fa)] – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina | magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:start [07/09/2023 alle 14:59 (18 mesi fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina |
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^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^ Notes ^ | ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^ Notes ^ |
| 16/01/2023, start at 09:00 | room E | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230116.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230116_solution.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:algorithmengineering-2023-jan1.pdf |results}} | Correction will occur Wednesday 18 January, at 15:00 (Ferragina's office). For registration only, also online same date-hour.\\ Students that have passed only the "exercises" part can repeat only the "theory" part on any of the following exam dates. Just come +45mins after the start of the exam, to join the class that did in the first hour the "exercises" part. | | | 16/01/2023, start at 09:00 | room E | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230116.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230116_solution.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:algorithmengineering-2023-jan1.pdf |results}} | Correction will occur Wednesday 18 January, at 15:00 (Ferragina's office). For registration only, also online same date-hour, please show yourself on Teams' room of the course.\\ Students that have passed only the "exercises" part can repeat only the "theory" part on any of the following exam dates, they have to register on the portal "ESAMI" writing in the notes "only theory". Moreover, they can come +45mins after the start of the exam, to join the class that did in the first hour the "exercises" part. | |
| 10/02/2023, start at 09:00 | room E | text, results, solution | | | | 10/02/2023, start at 09:00 | room E | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230210.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:algorithmengineering-2023-feb.pdf |results}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230210_solution.pdf |solution}} | Correction will occur Monday 13 February, at 11:00 (Ferragina's office). For registration only, you can just send me an email stating that you accept the rank.\\ Students that have passed only the "exercises" part can repeat only the "theory" part on any of the following exam dates, they have to register on the portal "ESAMI" writing in the notes "only theory". Moreover, they can come +45mins after the start of the exam, to join the class that did in the first hour the "exercises" part. | |
| | 05/06/2023, start at 09:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230605.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:algorithmengineering-2023_june2.pdf |results}} | The "result" file reports the grades of the two-parts exam and a proposal for the final grade. You can accept it, writing me, or you can repeat one or both the parts. | |
| | 05/07/2023, start at 16:00 | room C | | | |
| | 24/07/2023, start at 09:00 | room C | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230724.pdf |text}} | | |
| | 07/09/2023, start at 16:00 | room A1 | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2022:ae230907.pdf |text}} | | |
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====== Background and Notes of the Course ====== | ====== Background and Notes of the Course ====== |
I strongly suggest refreshing your knowledge about basic Algorithms and Data Structures by looking at the well-known book [[https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/introduction-algorithms-third-edition|Introduction to Algorithms]], Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest-Stein (third edition). Specifically, I suggest you look at the chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 (no perfect hash), 12 (no randomly built), 15 (no optimal BST), 18, 22 (no strongly connected components). Also, you could look at the [[http://videolectures.net/mit6046jf05_introduction_algorithms/|Video Lectures]] by Erik Demaine and Charles Leiserson, specifically Lectures 1-7, 9-10, and 15-17. | I strongly suggest refreshing your knowledge about basic Algorithms and Data Structures by looking at the well-known book [[https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/introduction-algorithms-third-edition|Introduction to Algorithms]], Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest-Stein (third edition). Specifically, I suggest you look at the chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 (no perfect hash), 12 (no randomly built), 15 (no optimal BST), 18, 22 (no strongly connected components). Also, you could look at the [[http://videolectures.net/mit6046jf05_introduction_algorithms/|Video Lectures]] by Erik Demaine and Charles Leiserson, specifically Lectures 1-7, 9-10, and 15-17. |
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Most of the content of the course will be covered by some notes I wrote in these years; for some topics, parts of papers/books will be used. You can download the latest version of these notes from [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/20zimrhrk2m4frw/Book%20pre-publication.pdf?dl=0|this link]]. I state that **this material** will be published by //Cambridge University Press// as //Pearls of Algorithm Engineering// by me. This prepublication version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for redistribution, resale or use in derivative works. © Paolo Ferragina 2022. | Most of the content of the course will be covered by some notes I wrote in these years; for some topics, parts of papers/books will be used. You can download the latest version of these notes from [[https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/pearls-of-algorithm-engineering/95061352D7263CCCBD4F243018236EB2|this link]]. I state that **this material** will be published by //Cambridge University Press// as //Pearls of Algorithm Engineering// by me. This prepublication version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for redistribution, resale or use in derivative works. © Paolo Ferragina 2022. |
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