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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2024:start [22/05/2024 alle 14:43 (10 mesi fa)] – creata Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2024:start [11/09/2024 alle 06:20 (6 mesi fa)] (versione attuale) – [Algorithm Engineering A.A. 2024-2025] Paolo Ferragina
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 **Language:** English.     **Language:** English.    
-**Question time:** Monday: 15-17, or by appointment (also in video-conferencing through the [[|virtual room]] of the course)+**Question time:** Monday: 15-17, or by appointment (also in video-conferencing through the [[|virtual room]] of the course)
-**News:** about this course will be distributed via a [[ | Telegram channel]].+**News:** about this course will be distributed via a [[| Telegram channel]].
-**Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures are available below and with the [[|official registro]].+**Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures are available below and with the [[|official registro]].
 \\ \\
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 ^           Week Schedule           ^^^ ^           Week Schedule           ^^^
 ^  Day  ^  Time Slot  ^  Room  ^ ^  Day  ^  Time Slot  ^  Room  ^
-| Monday  |  9:00 - 11:00  | Room Fib  |  +| Monday  |  9:00 - 11:00  | Room Fib |  
-| Tuesday  |  9:00 - 11:00  | Room Fib  |  +| Tuesday  |  9:00 - 11:00  | Room Fib C1 |  
-| Wednesday  |  11:00 - 13:00  | Room Fib  +| Wednesday  |  9:00 - 11:00  | Room Fib C1 
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 ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^ Notes ^ ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Text ^ Notes ^
-06/11/2023, start at 14:00 | room E | Mid term: [[|text]], {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae231106-sol1.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:midterm2023.pdf |results}} |  | +| 00/00/2024, start at 00:00 | room 00 | text, results |  |
-| 12/12/2023, start at 09:30 | room C | Final term: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae231212.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae231212-sol.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:algorithmengineering-2024_finalterm.pdf |results}} |  | +
-| 15/01/2024, start at 9:00 | room C1 | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae240115.pdf |text}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae240115-sol.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:algorithmengineering-2024-jan24.pdf |results}} |  | +
-| 09/02/2024, start at 00:00 | room 00 | Exam: {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae240209.pdf |text}}{{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ae240209-sol.pdf |solution}}, {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:ale240209-ris.pdf |results}} Correction and view of the written exam on Wednesday, 14 February, hr: 17:30 (MS Teams). |+
 ====== Background and Notes of the Course ======  ====== Background and Notes of the Course ====== 
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 ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Biblio ^ ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Biblio ^
-18/09/2023 | Introduction to the course. The definition of Algorithm and time/space complexity. Models of computation: RAM, 2-level memory. An example of algorithm analysis (time, space and I/Os): the sum of n numbers. | Chap. 01 of the book. \\ Read [[|note 1]] and [[|note 2]] on B-trees. |+ | Introduction to the course. The definition of Algorithm and time/space complexity. Models of computation: RAM, 2-level memory. An example of algorithm analysis (time, space and I/Os): the sum of n numbers. | Chap. 01 of the book. \\ Read [[|note 1]] and [[|note 2]] on B-trees. |
 |   | //Students are warmly invited to read Chapter 2 of the book to refresh their notions about time complexity evaluation// |  | |   | //Students are warmly invited to read Chapter 2 of the book to refresh their notions about time complexity evaluation// |  |
-19/09/2023 | Another example of I/Os-analysis: binary search. The B-tree (or B+-tree) data structure: searching and updating a big set of sorted keys. The role of the Virtual Memory system. RAM algorithm for Permuting. The question: sorting vs permuting, comments on the time and I/O bounds.     | Chap. 05 of the book. | + | Another example of I/Os-analysis: binary search. The B-tree (or B+-tree) data structure: searching and updating a big set of sorted keys. The role of the Virtual Memory system. RAM algorithm for Permuting. The question: sorting vs permuting, comments on the time and I/O bounds.     | Chap. 05 of the book. | 
-20/09/2023 | Permuting algorithm via sorting and scanning, and its I/O-bound. Binary merge-sort, and its I/O-bounds. Snow Plow, with complexity proof and an example. | Chap. 05 of the book |  + | Permuting algorithm via sorting and scanning, and its I/O-bound. Binary merge-sort, and its I/O-bounds. Snow Plow, with complexity proof and an example. | Chap. 05 of the book |  
 |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about://  Divide-and-conquer technique for algorithm design and Master Theorem for solving recurrent relations; and Binary Search Trees | Lecture 2, 9 and 10  of [[|Demaine-Leiserson's course at MIT]] | |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about://  Divide-and-conquer technique for algorithm design and Master Theorem for solving recurrent relations; and Binary Search Trees | Lecture 2, 9 and 10  of [[|Demaine-Leiserson's course at MIT]] |
-25/09/2023 | Multi-way mergesort: algorithm and I/O-analysis. Lower bound for sorting: comparisons and I/Os. The case of D>1 disks: non-optimality of multi-way MergeSort, the disk-striping technique. \\ **EXTRA:** Lower bound for permuting (sect 5.2.2).   | Chap. 05 of the book | + | Multi-way mergesort: algorithm and I/O-analysis. Lower bound for sorting: comparisons and I/Os. The case of D>1 disks: non-optimality of multi-way MergeSort, the disk-striping technique. \\ **EXTRA:** Lower bound for permuting (sect 5.2.2).   | Chap. 05 of the book | 
-26/09/2023 | Quicksort: recap on best-case, worst-case. Quicksort: Average-case with analysis. Selection of kth ranked item in linear average time (with proof). 3-way partition for better in-memory quicksort. Bounded Quicksort. Multi-way Quicksort: definition, design, and I/O-complexity. | Chap. 05 of the book | + | Quicksort: recap on best-case, worst-case. Quicksort: Average-case with analysis. Selection of kth ranked item in linear average time (with proof). 3-way partition for better in-memory quicksort. Bounded Quicksort. Multi-way Quicksort: definition, design, and I/O-complexity. | Chap. 05 of the book | 
-27/09/2023 | Selection of k-1 "good pivot" via Oversampling. Proof of the expected time complexity of Multi-way Quicksort. Random sampling: disk model, known length (algorithms and proofs). Random sampling on the streaming model: known length. | Chap. 05 and Chap. 03 of the book | + | Selection of k-1 "good pivot" via Oversampling. Proof of the expected time complexity of Multi-way Quicksort. Random sampling: disk model, known length (algorithms and proofs). Random sampling on the streaming model: known length. | Chap. 05 and Chap. 03 of the book | 
-02/10/2023 | Reservoir sampling: Algorithm and proofs. Exercises on Random Sampling. Randomized data structures: Treaps with their query (search a key, 3-sided range query). | Chap. 03 of the book. [[|Notes]] on Treaps. |   + | Reservoir sampling: Algorithm and proofs. Exercises on Random Sampling. Randomized data structures: Treaps with their query (search a key, 3-sided range query). | Chap. 03 of the book. [[|Notes]] on Treaps. |   
-03/10/2023 | More on Treaps: update (insert, delete, split, merge) operations  (with time complexity and proofs). | Study Theorems and Lemmas in Treaps' notes. | + | More on Treaps: update (insert, delete, split, merge) operations  (with time complexity and proofs). | Study Theorems and Lemmas in Treaps' notes. | 
-04/10/2023 | Randomized data structures: Skip lists (with proofs and comments on time-space complexity and I/Os).  String sorting: comments on the difficulty of the problem on disk, lower bound. | See Demaine's lecture [[|num. 12]] on skip lists. String sorting in Chap. 07 of the book. | + | Randomized data structures: Skip lists (with proofs and comments on time-space complexity and I/Os).  String sorting: comments on the difficulty of the problem on disk, lower bound. | See Demaine's lecture [[|num. 12]] on skip lists. String sorting in Chap. 07 of the book. | 
-09/10/2023 | LSD-radix sort with proof of time complexity and correctness. MSD-radix sort and the trie data structure.   | Chap. 07 of the book. | + | LSD-radix sort with proof of time complexity and correctness. MSD-radix sort and the trie data structure.   | Chap. 07 of the book. | 
-10/10/2023 | Multi-key Quicksort: algorithm and analysis. Ternary search tree. Exercises. |  |  + | Multi-key Quicksort: algorithm and analysis. Ternary search tree. Exercises. |  |  
-11/10/2023 | Interpolation Search. Fast set intersection, various solutions: scan, sorted merge, binary search, mutual partition. A lower bound on the number of comparisons. | Chap. 06 of the book. See sect. 9.3 for interpolation search.| + | Interpolation Search. Fast set intersection, various solutions: scan, sorted merge, binary search, mutual partition. A lower bound on the number of comparisons. | Chap. 06 of the book. See sect. 9.3 for interpolation search.| 
 |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about:// hash functions and their properties; hashing with chaining. | Lectures 7 of [[|Demaine-Leiserson's course]] at MIT |  |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about:// hash functions and their properties; hashing with chaining. | Lectures 7 of [[|Demaine-Leiserson's course]] at MIT | 
-16/10/2023 | Fast set intersection: Exponential jumps, and two-level scan.  Hashing and dictionary problem: direct addressing, simple hash functions, hashing with chaining. Global rebuilding technique. | Chap. 08 of the book. | + | Fast set intersection: Exponential jumps, and two-level scan.  Hashing and dictionary problem: direct addressing, simple hash functions, hashing with chaining. Global rebuilding technique. | Chap. 08 of the book. | 
-17/10/2023 | Universal hashing (definition and properties). Three examples of Universal Hash functions, one with correctness proof. The "power of two choices" result. | All theorems with proof, except Theo 8.3 without proof (only the statement). | + | Universal hashing (definition and properties). Three examples of Universal Hash functions, one with correctness proof. The "power of two choices" result. | All theorems with proof, except Theo 8.3 without proof (only the statement). | 
-18/10/2023 | Cuckoo hashing (with all proofs). | Don't read Perfect Hash (hence no sect. 8.4). | + | Cuckoo hashing (with all proofs). | Don't read Perfect Hash (hence no sect. 8.4). | 
-23/10/2023 | Minimal ordered perfect hashing: definition, properties, construction, space, and time complexity. Exercises. |  | + | Minimal ordered perfect hashing: definition, properties, construction, space, and time complexity. Exercises. |  | 
-24/10/2023 | Bloom Filter: properties, construction, query and insertion operations, error estimation (with proofs). Application of Bloom Filters to DBs and P2P. \\ **EXTRA:** Lower bound on BF space | No compressed BF.  | + | Bloom Filter: properties, construction, query and insertion operations, error estimation (with proofs). Application of Bloom Filters to DBs and P2P. \\ **EXTRA:** Lower bound on BF space | No compressed BF.  | 
-25/10/2023 | Prefix search: definition of the problem, solution based on arrays, Front-coding, two-level indexing based on compacted tries. Analysis of space, I/Os, and time of all described solutions.  | Chap. 09 (sect. 9.1 and 9.4) of the book. No Locality Preserving front coding. + | Prefix search: definition of the problem, solution based on arrays, Front-coding, two-level indexing based on compacted tries. Analysis of space, I/Os, and time of all described solutions.  | Chap. 09 (sect. 9.1 and 9.4) of the book. No Locality Preserving front coding. 
-30/10/2023 | Exercises |   | + | Exercises |   | 
-31/10/2023 | Exercises. Two-level indexing based on Patricia Trees, with exercises. |   | + | Exercises. Two-level indexing based on Patricia Trees, with exercises. |   | 
-06/11/2023 | Exercises |   | + | Exercises |   | 
-06/11/2023 | **MIDTERM exam in room E, 14-16** | Please register [[|here]] by Nov 1st 2023.| + | **MIDTERM exam in room ** | .| 
-07/11/2023 | Substring search: definition, properties, reduction to prefix search. The Suffix Array. Binary searching the Suffix Array: p log n. Suffix Array construction via qsort and its asymptotic analysis.\\ **EXTRA:** Use of the LCP array to achieve p + log n in the substring search (after Lemma 10.1, up to Lemma 10.2)  | Chap. 10 of the book: lemma 10.1 and sect. 10.2.3 (but no "The skew algorithm", no "The Scan-based algorithm"). | + | Substring search: definition, properties, reduction to prefix search. The Suffix Array. Binary searching the Suffix Array: p log n. Suffix Array construction via qsort and its asymptotic analysis.\\ **EXTRA:** Use of the LCP array to achieve p + log n in the substring search (after Lemma 10.1, up to Lemma 10.2)  | Chap. 10 of the book: lemma 10.1 and sect. 10.2.3 (but no "The skew algorithm", no "The Scan-based algorithm"). | 
-08/11/2023 | Suffix trees: properties, construction from Suffix Arrays and LCP array. Search and mining algorithms over suffix arrays and suffix trees. Exercises | Sect. 10.4.4 (text mining) | + | Suffix trees: properties, construction from Suffix Arrays and LCP array. Search and mining algorithms over suffix arrays and suffix trees. Exercises | Sect. 10.4.4 (text mining) | 
-13/11/2023 | Review of the Midterm exam |  | + | Review of the Midterm exam |  | 
-14/11/2023 | Prefix-free codes, the notion of entropy. Integer coding: the problem and some considerations. Shannon Theorem and optimal codes. The codes Gamma and Delta, space/time performance, and consideration on optimal distributions. The codes Rice, PForDelta.  | Chap. 11 of the book. | + | Prefix-free codes, the notion of entropy. Integer coding: the problem and some considerations. Shannon Theorem and optimal codes. The codes Gamma and Delta, space/time performance, and consideration on optimal distributions. The codes Rice, PForDelta.  | Chap. 11 of the book. | 
-15/11/2023 | Elias-Fano code: definition, properties, and time/space complexity. Definition of Rank/Select operations and comments. Access and NextGEQ operations. Examples on Elias-Fano.  |  | + | Elias-Fano code: definition, properties, and time/space complexity. Definition of Rank/Select operations and comments. Access and NextGEQ operations. Examples on Elias-Fano.  |  | 
-20/11/2023 | Variable-byte code and (s,c)-dense code, with examples. Interpolative code. Various exercises on all integer coders. |  | + | Variable-byte code and (s,c)-dense code, with examples. Interpolative code. Various exercises on all integer coders. |  | 
-21/11/2023 | Rank and Select: definition and succinct solution for Rank. Two theorems: one for a compact solution and one for a compressed solution based on Elias-Fano. \\ **EXTRA:** Solution for Select.| Chap. 15 of the book | + | Rank and Select: definition and succinct solution for Rank. Two theorems: one for a compact solution and one for a compressed solution based on Elias-Fano. \\ **EXTRA:** Solution for Select.| Chap. 15 of the book | 
-22/11/2023 | Succinctly encoding of binary trees, and labeled binary trees, with examples. |  | + | Succinctly encoding of binary trees, and labeled binary trees, with examples. |  | 
-27/11/2023 | Data Compression. Static, semistatic, and dynamic models for frequency estimation. Huffman, with optimality (proof) and relation to Entropy. Canonical Huffman: construction, properties. Huffman decompression. | Chap. 12 of the book. No PPM. | + | Data Compression. Static, semistatic, and dynamic models for frequency estimation. Huffman, with optimality (proof) and relation to Entropy. Canonical Huffman: construction, properties. Huffman decompression. | Chap. 12 of the book. No PPM. | 
-27/11/2023 | Arithmetic coding: properties, the converter tool. Compression, decompression, and entropy bounds. |  | + | Arithmetic coding: properties, the converter tool. Compression, decompression, and entropy bounds. |  | 
-28/11/2023 | Exercises on Huffman and Arithmetic coding, and on succinct binary trees. |  | + | Exercises on Huffman and Arithmetic coding, and on succinct binary trees. |  | 
-04/12/2023 | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS, LZ78.  | Chap. 13 of the book. No LZW. {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2021:lect_lz77-78_no_lzw_.ppt |Slides}}. |  + | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS, LZ78.  | Chap. 13 of the book. No LZW. {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2021:lect_lz77-78_no_lzw_.ppt |Slides}}. |  
-05/12/2023 | Compressor bzip: MTF, RLE0, Wheeler-code, Burrows-Wheeler Transform. How to construct the BWT via qsort. How to invert the BWT. | Chap. 14 of the book, and {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:lect_bwt.pptx |slides}}. | + | Compressor bzip: MTF, RLE0, Wheeler-code, Burrows-Wheeler Transform. How to construct the BWT via qsort. How to invert the BWT. | Chap. 14 of the book, and {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2023:lect_bwt.pptx |slides}}. | 
-06/12/2023 | Exercises |  | + | Exercises |  | 
-| 11/12/2023 | Exercises |  +|  | **FINAL TERM exam in room ** | .|
-| 12/12/2023 | **FINAL TERM exam in room C, 9:30-11** | Please register in the ESAMI platform, on the exam date of January.|+
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