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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2024:start [11/09/2024 alle 06:16 (6 mesi fa)] – [Algorithm Engineering A.A. 2024-2025] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2024:start [11/09/2024 alle 06:20 (6 mesi fa)] (versione attuale) – [Algorithm Engineering A.A. 2024-2025] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 10: Linea 10:
 **Language:** English.     **Language:** English.    
-**Question time:** Monday: 15-17, or by appointment (also in video-conferencing through the [[|virtual room]] of the course)+**Question time:** Monday: 15-17, or by appointment (also in video-conferencing through the [[|virtual room]] of the course)
 **News:** about this course will be distributed via a [[| Telegram channel]]. **News:** about this course will be distributed via a [[| Telegram channel]].
-**Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures are available below and with the [[|official registro]].+**Official lectures schedule:** The schedule and content of the lectures are available below and with the [[|official registro]].
 \\ \\
magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2024/start.1726035405.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 11/09/2024 alle 06:16 (6 mesi fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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