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magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [11/10/2010 alle 15:40 (15 anni fa)] – creata Linda Paglimagistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [01/02/2011 alle 17:04 (14 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Linda Pagli
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 ====== Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 2010-2011 ====== ====== Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 2010-2011 ======
- +===== General informations ===== 
-===== general informations ===== +  
-  * Teacher: [[|Linda Pagli]], office hours: thursday 16-18, room 277/DE, Dept of Informatica  + * Teacher: [[|Linda Pagli]], office hours: thursday 16-18, room 277/DE, Dept of Informatica  
-  * Classes:+  * Lectures schedule:
       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;
-      * Thursday 14-16 room C;+      * Thursday 14-16 room B; 
 +   *Code: 284AA; 
 +   *Credits: 6 CFU.  
 +   *Grade: Determined by a written test. 
 +   *Semester: First. 
 +===== Objectives ===== 
 +The goal of the course is to introduce the main algorithmic techniques in the framework of parallel and distributed models of computing; to define the most significant complexity parameters and the computational limits of parallelism and concurrency.  
 +Finally computational tools to design and analyze parallel and distributed algorithms are given. 
 +===== Course Outline ===== 
 +== Models of computation == 
 +     * The PRAM model 
 +     * Other models for parallel computation. 
 +     * The distributed model. 
 +== Design and analysis of parallel algorithms == 
 +     * Prefix sums, List Ranking, Euler tour. 
 +     * Standard techniques and inner sequential problems. 
 +== Design and analysis of distributed algorithms == 
 +     * Communication complexity. 
 +     * Control algorithms. 
 +     * Fault tolerant algorithms . 
 +     * Distributed data manipulation. 
 +== Classical examples == 
 +     * Coordination and Control. 
 +     * Broadcast e Spanning tree. 
 +     * Computation on trees: Saturation, functions evaluation. 
 +     * Election on Ring and other networks. 
 +     * Routing. 
 +===== Announcements ===== 
 +    * Seminar's evaluation and registrations: Thursday 27/1/2011 14-16, room B.  
-    +=====  Course Material =====
-===== Lezioni ed esercitazioni ===== +=== Text Book === 
-Vedete la pagina delle [[.esercitazioni:|lezioni ed esercitazioni]] per i materiali relativi a ogni lezione ed esercitazione.+Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2007\\ 
 +Look also at [[|the official website of the text book]].
-===== Avvisi urgenti ===== +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-1.pdf|Chapter 1}}
-Per tutti gli avvisi urgenti vedete nella pagina degli [[avvisi]].\\ E' possibile richiedere di essere avvisati automaticamente via e-mail ogni volta che un nuovo avviso viene postato. Seguire le istruzioni indicate nelle [[:faq]].+
-===== Materiale didattico =====+{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-2.pdf|Chapter 2}}
-==== Text Book ==== +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-3.pdf|Chapter 3}}
-Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2006\\ +
-Look also at [[|the official website d]].+
-==== Slides ==== +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-4.pdf|Chapter 4}} 
-[[.lucidi:|lucidi]] delle lezioni sono disponibili solo agli studenti del corso.+=== Slides === 
 +The slides of the lectures are available here. [[.lucidi:|slides]] 
-===== Final test =====+=== Lectures ===
 +   * [[|LIST OF LECTURES]]
magistraleinformaticanetworking/alp/alp1011/start.1286811633.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 11/10/2010 alle 15:40 (15 anni fa) da Linda Pagli

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