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magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [14/10/2010 alle 13:14 (15 anni fa)] Linda Paglimagistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [01/02/2011 alle 17:04 (14 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Linda Pagli
Linea 5: Linea 5:
   * Lectures schedule:   * Lectures schedule:
       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;
-      * Thursday 14-16 room C;+      * Thursday 14-16 room B;
    *Code: 284AA;    *Code: 284AA;
Linea 18: Linea 18:
 The goal of the course is to introduce the main algorithmic techniques in the framework of parallel and distributed models of computing; to define the most significant complexity parameters and the computational limits of parallelism and concurrency.  The goal of the course is to introduce the main algorithmic techniques in the framework of parallel and distributed models of computing; to define the most significant complexity parameters and the computational limits of parallelism and concurrency. 
 Finally computational tools to design and analyze parallel and distributed algorithms are given. Finally computational tools to design and analyze parallel and distributed algorithms are given.
-===== COURSE OUTLINE =====+===== Course Outline =====
 == Models of computation == == Models of computation ==
Linea 39: Linea 39:
      * Routing.      * Routing.
 +===== Announcements =====
-===== News =====+    * Seminar's evaluation and registrations: Thursday 27/1/2011 14-16, room B.  
-=====  References =====+=====  Course Material =====
-=== Textbook === +=== Text Book === 
-Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2006\\+Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2007\\
 Look also at [[|the official website of the text book]]. Look also at [[|the official website of the text book]].
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-1.pdf|Chapter 1}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-2.pdf|Chapter 2}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-3.pdf|Chapter 3}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-4.pdf|Chapter 4}}
 === Slides === === Slides ===
-The slides of the lectures will be available for the students of the course only. [[.lucidi:|slides]] +The slides of the lectures are available here. [[.lucidi:|slides]]  
 === Lectures === === Lectures ===
magistraleinformaticanetworking/alp/alp1011/start.1287062069.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 14/10/2010 alle 13:14 (15 anni fa) da Linda Pagli

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