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magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [20/10/2010 alle 10:25 (15 anni fa)] Linda Paglimagistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:start [01/02/2011 alle 17:04 (14 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Linda Pagli
Linea 5: Linea 5:
   * Lectures schedule:   * Lectures schedule:
       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;       * Tuesday  16-18 room C;
-      * Thursday 14-16 room C;+      * Thursday 14-16 room B;
    *Code: 284AA;    *Code: 284AA;
Linea 40: Linea 40:
 ===== Announcements ===== ===== Announcements =====
-    Check here for course announcements+ 
 +    Seminar's evaluation and registrations: Thursday 27/1/2011 14-16, room B.  
 =====  Course Material ===== =====  Course Material =====
 === Text Book === === Text Book ===
-Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2006\\+Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2007\\
 Look also at [[|the official website of the text book]]. Look also at [[|the official website of the text book]].
 {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-1.pdf|Chapter 1}} {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-1.pdf|Chapter 1}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-2.pdf|Chapter 2}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-3.pdf|Chapter 3}}
 +{{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-4.pdf|Chapter 4}}
 === Slides === === Slides ===
 The slides of the lectures are available here. [[.lucidi:|slides]]  The slides of the lectures are available here. [[.lucidi:|slides]] 
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 === Lectures === === Lectures ===
magistraleinformaticanetworking/alp/alp1011/start.1287570355.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 20/10/2010 alle 10:25 (15 anni fa) da Linda Pagli

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