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Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 2010-2011

General informations

* Teacher: Linda Pagli, office hours: thursday 16-18, room 277/DE, Dept of Informatica

  • Lectures schedule:
    • Tuesday 16-18 room C;
    • Thursday 14-16 room C;
  • Code: 284AA;
  • Credits:* 6 CFU.
  • Grade:* Determined by a written test.
  • Semester:* First.




Nicola Santoro. Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms, Whiley ed., 2006
Look also at the official website of the text book.


The slides of the lectures will be available for the students of the course only. slides

List of Lectures

magistraleinformaticanetworking/alp/alp1011/start.1286812610.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 11/10/2010 alle 15:56 (15 anni fa) da Linda Pagli

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