This SPD project for the current academic year can be selected by any of the students. As explained during the course, the project development and test is still an individual work.
The description of the project and the support code can also be dowloaded as an RTF file here, and a zipped text file here.
Note (29/07/2014) – Additional explanations about some aspects of the project and its algorithm were given to the students in private talks in June and July. They are reported at the end of this web page, here.
Starting from the description of the project and from the fragments of code provided, a parallel application has to be developed and run and its results and performance must be analyzed.
Additional Points: more parallelization strategies can usually be developed with the same framework. Comparing several solutions and studying their behavior will improve the project evaluation. Some effort in this direction is expected from all students, at least in order to motivate the choice of which solution will be implemented and run.
Bonus points: more than one framework can possibly be combined in the same project, or be compared with each other. This is not a requirement to pass the course or achieve full grades.
Exception: as reported in the course wiki main page, students can still propose their own project topic to be parallelized using one or more of the frameworks, according to previous year rules. Please read in the main page the rules that apply, this page does not deal with that case.
Design and implement a parallel application solving a variation of the N-Queen problem.
The N-queen problem requires you to place exactly N queen pieces on an N by N chessboard in such a way that none is attacking any other one. It is a specific set-cover problem, with both heuristic and combinatorial solutions, which has been studied already (see D.E. Knuth's paper for a quick start on set coverage problems) and previously used as a test case for parallel and distributed programming frameworks (see Denis Caromel et al.)
The sequential algorithm for generating solutions is provided as a starting point.
1) In our project we want to generate all ordinary solutions to the N-Queen problem given a specific value on N as a parameter, provided that N⇐24. Since we are interested in the combinatorial exploration of the solution space, a problem whose complexity is exponential, we have an obvious case for parallel solutions. No student is expected to reach or exceed the upper limit N=24 with a complete computation, but the parallel code should cope with all N values up to 24 and test results should show the gains and limits of the implemented parallelization.
2) When generating all simple solutions, we want to record them in a data structure so that they can be reused. In this phase we also want to check when a newfound solution is a derivation of a previous one (either by a 180 degrees reflection along an axis and/or by a 90 degrees rotation), and record how many derivative solutions we find in each group. Note that for moderately high values of N the data structure may become large enough to need its own parallel implementation (e.g. splitting across resources) .
3) The set of unique solutions generated must also be scrutinized for solutions of the amazon problem, that is, placing N pieces on an N by N chessboard where each one of the pieces can move like an amazon. An amazon is a non standard chesspiece that can move both as a queen and as a knight (see This means that: (a) by converse, each solution of the N amazon problems must be a solution of the N-queen problem; (b) each N-Queen unique solution where at least two queens are less than 2 steps away along rows and columns is not a solution of the amazon problem.
Donald E. Knuth, Dancing links (2000) downloadable from and from
Other Bibliography on the problem
Rodolfo Toledo, Eric Tanter, José Piquer, Denis Caromel, Mario Leyton, “Using Reflexd For A Grid Solution To The N-Queens Problem: A Case Study”, in Achievements in European Research on Grid Systems, Springer, 2008. dowmloadable from
Wirth, Niklaus (1976), Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-022418-9
if required by the switch, all solutions found shall be output (either on the standard output or in a file), also including a counter stating for each unique solution how many times it was found. Please note that the problem output will be checked when you deliver your project.
The program can be represented as a three stage pipeline:
Each stage can be parallelized, according to farm (anonymous, load balancing) or map paradigms (geometric distribution). This is true from the high-level viewpoint: the actual parallel implementation depends on the framework adopted and is required from the student. Besides, it is a student choice the specific tradeoff between simplicity and performance of the parallelization.
The students must choose the parallel patterns and implement them, possibly merging stages or exploding them into parallel skeletons implementing the function. The high-level analysis leading to those choices shall be reported in the report about the project.
Stage 1 is the most obvious candidate or parallelization as it contains a large amount of combinatorial exploration. In order to do that, a subdivision of the search space is required, so that several tasks are generated that can be computed in parallel. The available example code allows to generate several independent tasks (distinct values in the rows array for all rows already assigned). The amount of computation and of solutions found in the subtasks is not homogeneous, you may want to study the issue before choosing the parallelization type.
Stage 2 has to be based on some dictionary structure where you can store and retrieve board positions quickly, in order to check for each new board that it is present in the past output. It is up to the student choose a method and a data structure, as well as to code the simple functions that compute the reflection and rotations of a board. When designing the structure take into account the number of unique solutions that you are going to find for 8<N<20, for instance. That number is easily found on the WWW.
Stage 3 is easier to code, as it simply has to check that no two queens have both coordinates which differ by 1 or 2 (and one of those two cases must actually never happen!).
Available code
The example code for the N-queen problem is made available in C, to ease the porting to MPI, TBB or OpenCL kernels.
#include <stdio.h> /********* * reference sequential code for the N Queen problem, SPD course * 2013-2014, Computer Science and Networking, University of Pisa. * * The code is a derivative work of material from, and * as such the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License applies * to this code. M. Coppola */ /** global definitions ******************************************************/ // largest board size #define MAXBOARDSIZE 24 /********* * levels we expand the problem of before calling the solver * (i.e. before spawning parallel work!) */ #define EXPANDLEVELS 3 /******** * this type can be used if we need to reliably copy information about * a set of subproblem across parallel instances, regardless of the * program parameters; you will likely need to define functions that * copy/transfer this kind of structures across processes, threads or * larger arrays in order to match your parallelizatin framework of * choice */ typedef struct boardplus{ int size; // board size int x; // this is where we need to restart int y; // idem int board[MAXBOARDSIZE]; // the actual board, padded to largest instance } subproblem; /******** * static variable defining the board size; you may want to make it an * explicit parameter in your code like it's done in function main() */ static int board_size = 8; /******** * static variable counting solutions found; in a parallel settings, * you will need to devise a different solution */ static int solution_count = 0; /* count the subproblems spawned from the expander function */ static int spawned_tasks=0; /** utility functions ******************************************************/ /******** * human-readable output; you may need to rewrite it in order to make * it really flexible */ void putboard(int rows[board_size]) { int x, y; printf("\nSolution #%d:\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n", ++solution_count); for (y=0; y < board_size; ++y) { for (x=0; x < board_size; ++x) printf(x == rows[y] ? "| Q " : "| "); printf("|\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } // simpler printout suitable for automatic analysis void dump_board(int rows[board_size]) { int y; printf("%d", ++solution_count); for (y=0; y<board_size; ++y) printf("\t%d",rows[y]); printf("\n"); } /** computing functions ******************************************************/ /******* * check that a board position is safe so far; we only need to check * columns and diagonals, as rows are mutually safe by construction */ int is_safe(int rows[board_size], int x, int y) { int i; if (y == 0) return 1; for (i=0; i < y; ++i) { if (rows[i] == x || rows[i] == x + y - i || rows[i] == x - y +i) return 0; } return 1; } /******* this routine fully expands a sub-instance of the problem * depth first, generating the corresponding set of solutions; it CAN * be used on the whole problem directly, if it is small enough to be * dealt with sequentially */ void n_queens_solver(int rows[board_size], int y) { int x; for (x=0; x < board_size; ++x) { if (is_safe(rows, x, y)) { rows[y] = x; if (y == board_size-1) { // putboard(rows); dump_board(rows); } else n_queens_solver(rows, y+1); } } } /******** this routine partially expands the problem by running the * combinatorial search only for the first levels; everything deeper * than that is passed to the solver routine, which is actually where * you can plug in some parallelism */ void n_queens_expander(int rows[board_size], int y, int expand_levels) { int x; for (x=0; x < board_size; ++x) { if (is_safe(rows, x, y)) // early check pruning dead branches { rows[y] = x; if (y == expand_levels-1) { printf("New subtask %d\n", ++spawned_tasks); /******* * here you can spawn parallel work by filling in a * supbproblem structure wit the available rows, x, y and * board_size */ n_queens_solver(rows, y+1); } else n_queens_expander(rows, y+1, expand_levels); } } } /** main program ******************************************************/ /******* * Note: this very simple version of the algorithm always prints all * solutions. You will need to add checks to make this optional */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rows[board_size]; // the main board variable int temp; if (argc ==2) { if (temp=atoi(argv[1]), temp >EXPANDLEVELS && temp <=MAXBOARDSIZE) board_size = temp; else { printf("Wrong Size parameter: %d\n",temp); return -1; } } // n_queens_solver(rows, 0); /****** * expand three levels, then call the full solver routine; note * that this value is one of the parameters to be tuned when * parallelizing */ n_queens_expander(rows, 0, 3); printf("Found %d solutions over % d taks/subproblems\n",solution_count,spawned_tasks); return 0; }
The following should be obvious but it was asked recently.