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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:lezioni12.13 [12/11/2012 alle 14:55 (13 anni fa)] – [Slides, Notes and References to papers] Massimo Coppolamagistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:lezioni12.13 [17/12/2012 alle 17:23 (12 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Journal] Massimo Coppola
Linea 10: Linea 10:
   * 12/10/2012 ** MPI lesson 3 ** --- Communicators and groups. Collective Communications, part 1.   * 12/10/2012 ** MPI lesson 3 ** --- Communicators and groups. Collective Communications, part 1.
   * <del>16/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 12/11// -- rescheduled due to work constraints   * <del>16/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 12/11// -- rescheduled due to work constraints
-  * 19/12/2012 ** MPI Lesson 4 and 5 ** --- Collective Communications, part 2. +  * 19/10/2012 ** MPI Lesson 4 and 5 ** --- Collective Communications, part 2. 
-  * <del>23/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 19/11// -- rescheduled due to work constraints+  * <del>23/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 03/12// -- rescheduled due to work constraints
   * <del>26/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 26/11// -- rescheduled due to work constraints    * <del>26/10/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 26/11// -- rescheduled due to work constraints 
   * 30/10/2012 // to be updated //   * 30/10/2012 // to be updated //
   * 02/11/2012 ** Parallel K-means ** // to be updated //   * 02/11/2012 ** Parallel K-means ** // to be updated //
   * 09/11/2012 ** Introduction to the Thread Building Blocks Library **   * 09/11/2012 ** Introduction to the Thread Building Blocks Library **
   * 12/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18   * 12/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18
- +  * <del>13/11/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 10/12// -- rescheduled due to work constraints 
------ +  * 16/11/2012 ** Parallel K-Means, introduction to General purpose GPU programming (GPGPU) **  
-==Tentative schedule of future lessons== +  * <del>19/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18</del> Lesson canceled, see NEWS. 
- +  * 20/11/2012 ** MPI lab (2) ** 
-  * <del>13/11/2012</del> Canceled, to be rescheduled due to work constraints +  * 23/11/2012 The Assist Structured Parallel Programming Environment 
-  * 16/11/2012 +  * 26/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18 -- Porting FastFlow on the Tilera multicore 
-  * 19/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18 +  * <del>27/11/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 17/12// -- rescheduled due to work constraints 
-  * 20/11/2012 +  * <del>30/11/2012</del> //lesson moved to Monday 17/12// -- rescheduled due to work constraints 
-  * 23/11/2012 +  * 3/12/2012 Additional lesson ** Room H 16-18 ** The lab was reserved from 14-18 though. MPI lab time. 
-  * 26/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18 +  * <del>04/12/2012</del> Canceled for illness 
-  * <del>27/11/2012</del> Canceled, to be rescheduled due to work constraints +  * 07/12/2012 Discussion on project assignment 
-  * 30/11/2012 To be confirmed +  * 10/12/2012 Additional lesson -- TBB part2  
-  * 04/12/2012 +  * 11/12/2012 TBB Lab Time 
-  * 07/12/2012 +  * <del>14/12/2012</del> Canceled 
-  * 11/12/2012 +  * 17/12/2012 Additional Lesson, TBB Lab time. ** Lab Room I, time slot 15-18 ** 
-  * 14/12/2012 +  * <del>18/12/2012</del> Canceled
-  * 18/12/2012 +
Linea 42: Linea 38:
-^ Date ^ Slides ^ Student notes ^ Other information |+^ Date ^ Slides ^ Notes ^ Other information |
 | 24/9/12\\ 27/9/12 |  {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-intro.pdf|Course Intro}} \\ {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson1.pdf|MPI part 1}}  |         |Relevant Material from MPI standard:\\ Chapter 1: have a look at it;\\ Chapter 2: sec. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.6, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.7, 2.8;\\ Chapter 3: sec. 3.1, 3.2.3, 3.4; 3.5, (skim through 3.7).\\ The introduction slides are new, the MPI slides are from last year | | 24/9/12\\ 27/9/12 |  {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-intro.pdf|Course Intro}} \\ {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson1.pdf|MPI part 1}}  |         |Relevant Material from MPI standard:\\ Chapter 1: have a look at it;\\ Chapter 2: sec. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.6, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.7, 2.8;\\ Chapter 3: sec. 3.1, 3.2.3, 3.4; 3.5, (skim through 3.7).\\ The introduction slides are new, the MPI slides are from last year |
 | 27/9/12\\ 01/10/12 |  {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson2.pdf|MPI part 2}}  | | Chapter 3: sec. 3.2, 3.3; Chapter 4: all paragraphs related to mentioned datatypes  | | 27/9/12\\ 01/10/12 |  {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson2.pdf|MPI part 2}}  | | Chapter 3: sec. 3.2, 3.3; Chapter 4: all paragraphs related to mentioned datatypes  |
Linea 52: Linea 48:
 |  02/11/12 | //TBA// | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-k-means-code.tgz|K-means sequential code}} | See the Dhillon/Modha paper on the main page. | |  02/11/12 | //TBA// | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-k-means-code.tgz|K-means sequential code}} | See the Dhillon/Modha paper on the main page. |
 |  9/11/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-tbb.pdf|TBB intro}}| | | |  9/11/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-tbb.pdf|TBB intro}}| | |
 +|  12/11/12 | | | |
 +|  16/11/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-gpgpu_intro.pdf|GPGPU introduction}} | | |
 +|  20/11/12 | | | |
 +|  23/11/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-assist.pdf|Slides on ASSIST}}| | The slides cover more than the lesson, including topics which part of the SPM course, and are reported here for the sake of completeness |
 +|  26/11/12 | | | |
 +|  03/12/12 | | | |
 +|  10/12/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-tbb-lesson2_v1.pdf|TBB Lesson 2}} | | |
 +|  11/12/12 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-12-13-tbb-lab1.pdf| TBB Lab part 1}} | | |
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spd/lezioni12.13.1352732155.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 12/11/2012 alle 14:55 (13 anni fa) da Massimo Coppola

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