Teacher: Dr. Massimo Coppola
This page concerns the SPD course (308AA) for the academic year 2010-2011
Information about SPD for the 2009-2010 academic year can be found here |
Contact info
e-mail : [email protected]
Phone : 050 315 2992
Office : CNR Reseach Area, ISTI-CNR, Building C, room 33
Monday | 9-11 | Room O1 (Polo Fibonacci) |
Tuesday | 16-18 | Room 27B (S.Anna - CNR Research Area) |
Thursday | 16-18 | time slot for extra lessons in May |
Friday | 16-18 | Room B (Polo Fibonacci) |
In case of exceptions, notice will be given in the News section below in this page.
Question time Students should contact the teacher in advance by phone / e-mail. A different time can be agreed upon if needed.
Tuesday | 15.30-17 | ISTI-CNR room 25a or C.S. Dept. Room 385 |
The course journal is a separate page in this wiki.
The course will provide a description and analysis of a few key parallel and distributed programming platforms and models, starting from their theoretical foundations, where not covered by previous courses, and focusing on (1) existing standards for platforms and programming systems and (2) State-of-the-art solutions. The course will include practical use of those systems to develop simple applications.
The course will cover the following topics.
Further details are given in the first lesson (see online slides in the course journal).
The content in this subsection has not yet been updated for year 2010-2011; please check the table of references at the end of the course journal |
Data Mining Algorithms
Final test: Project + short colloquium to be held during one of the exam sessions. Topic to be previously agreed with the teacher.
Individual projects are assigned to the students by the teacher. For difficult projects, 2 students, no more than that, can work on the same project. The projects can be assigned during the second half of the lesson period, or later on, during the academic year, when the student ask for it. Project can be experimental (coding + testing + written relation) and discussed with the teacher, or seminarial (relation and public talk about assigned papers) to be presented during one exam session. The same project cannot be discussed/presented twice unless substantial changes are made.
Project | Person(s) | Status |
Mura M. | Assigned | |
Hirschberg's Algorithm with MPI (and threads?) | Giuliani S. | Exploration |
Prim's Algorithm for Min Support Tree | Martinelli F. | Exploration |
Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition with TBB | Buccarella M. | Assigned |
Dancing Links with MPI/threads | De Sensi D. | Assigned |
Parallel Shortest Paths with TBB (Bellman-Ford, Thresold) | De Leo D. | Assigned |
Map&Reduce engine in python+MPI | Bozzi A., Piccinno F. | Assigned |
Serban T. |