
Strumenti di programmazione per sistemi paralleli e distribuiti

Teacher: Dr. Massimo Coppola

Contact info
e-mail : [email protected]
Phone : 050 315 2992
Office : CNR Reseach Area, ISTI-CNR, Building C, room 33

Course info


This is the final timetable

Tuesday 11.15-13 Room L1 (Polo Fibonacci)
Wednesday 16.15-18 Room N1 (Polo Fibonacci)
Friday 14-16, 16-18 TBD tentative slots for extra lessons / labs

Question time
Students should contact the teacher in advance by phone / e-mail. A different time can be agreed upon if needed.

TBD TBD ISTI-CNR office, or C.S. Dept. Room 385

AMD APU chip

News and Updates

3–6/6 morning 20/6 all day
9/6 afternoon 26,27/6 all day
18/6 morning, late afternoon 30/6–4/7 all day
19/6 morning
8/7 morning 17,18/7 morning
9/7 afternoon 21–23/7 all day
10/7 morning 24,25/7 morning
11/7 all day 28–30/7 all day
16/7 all day

Course Journal

TILEPro64™ Processor Block Diagram

The course journal is a separate page in this wiki.

Aim of the Course

The course will provide a description and analysis of a few key parallel and distributed programming platforms and models, starting from their theoretical foundations, where not covered by previous courses, and focusing on (1) existing standards for platforms and programming systems and (2) State-of-the-art solutions. The course will include practical use of those systems to develop simple applications.

Overall Program

The course will cover the following topics.

The content in the following sections has been only partially updated for the current academic year, some references and books may be missing. Please also check the table of references at the end of the course journal

Teaching material


Papers and reading material


Data Mining Algorithms


Specific prerequisite knowledge from the first-level degree, which we assume known, includes in particular the basics of Computer Architecture (AE) as well as programming in C/C++ (AIL, PRL). Knowledge of basic techniques for testing program performance and behaviour is also assumed known.

Typical prerequisites of this course within the Master Degree are presented in the SPA course, and some topics are closely related to the SPM course, which is a suggested prerequisite although within the same year.

For transfer students and students belonging to a different Master course, we shall say that while all the topics in the SPA and SPM courses are related to SPD, a minimal subset of topics the student shall master includes

Final test

For students of this year (2013-2014) the rules for the final test have been changed.
Final projects can be assigneded in either one of two alternative ways.

In both cases the target is developing a parallel application using one of the technologies seen during the course (MPI, TBB, OpenCL) or a combination of them.

The project must solve a well specified problem, with a known algorithm, and the project result must include test results and a shor report about the issues in the parallelization and in the performance/ efficiency optimization of the application developed. Students are not required to invent new parallel solutions, but thay shall show their ability in coding with at least one of the frameworks in the course.

How to get a project assigned: there are two ways.

  1. Student proposes a topic, details are agreed with the teacher, a one-page project proposal is written detailing the problem, the technology to use and how the project app will be tested (datasets to use and the like). In this case the final report shall contain the proposal and a description of the application implemented.
  2. A proposal is made by the teacher, see this page These proposals apply by default to all students (possibly with a choice of the implementation method). More students can share this topic (but not the work results). In this case the emphasis in the report is on test results and their discussion to show the performance, efficiency and level of parallelism obtained.

Things to do

Common rules for projects

OLD rules for course 535AA

Rules that apply to students of course 535AA from previous academic years
Final test: Project + short colloquium to be held during one of the exam sessions. Topic to be previously agreed with the teacher. The project will typically involve the use of one or more of the frameworks presented during the course, possibly developing more in-depth knowledge on one of the topics of the course.

OLD rules for course 308AA

Rules for students who need to get the previous SPD exam (code 308AA, 9 credits)
An integration of the program or a different project assignment will be defined on a by-need basis.
Project Person(s) Status