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Strumenti Sito


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The course covers the programming models and the paradigms used with distributed and parallel systems, for both the application and support tool software. Taking into account structured programming models (algorithmical skeletons, parallel design patterns) as well as those models based on components and services, all the problems related to the functional (expressive power, modularity and reuse) and non functional (performance, fault tolerance, adaptivity) concerns will be considered. The lab module will be used to experiment different approaches and solutions on the most common distributed architectures, such as workstation networks, grids and clouds.

The course will be logically split into several distinct parts:

  • Introduction Evolution of parallel and distributed architectures, Urgency of parallel/distributed programming models and tools, “Parallel” vs. “distributed” dichotomy revised
  • Part I: Parallel and distributed programming paradigms. Structured programming, Components, Workflows
  • Part II: Implementation models. Posix-TCP/IP-SSH/SCP, RPC/RMI, Distributed Virtual Shared Memory, Parallel Virtual File Systems, “Middleware” systems
  • Part III: Networks in distributed systems. Wireless, multimedia and peer-to-peer networks: features, peculiarities and exploitation in distributed systems
  • Part IV: Lab&Technology. Skeleton environments, Component environments, Implementation of simple RTS, Implementation of simple applications

The actual detailed program for A.A. 2009-2010 can be used as a guideline for the arguments that can be asked during oral examination.

magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/sdpm09program.1297754197.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 15/02/2011 alle 07:16 (14 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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