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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:sdpm1314support [30/10/2013 alle 14:50 (12 anni fa)] – [Tools] Marco Daneluttomagistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:sdpm1314support [16/05/2014 alle 12:25 (11 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Tools] Marco Danelutto
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 === Skandium === === Skandium ===
-The snapshot of the official Skandium web site (last versionis available [[|here]].+Skandium is the Java based skeleton based programming framework by Mario Leyton, targeting multicore architectures. The Skandium [[|web page]] hosts sample code and documentation as well as links to download the source and compiled framework code. The Skandium material may also be found on a GIT repository as well at the side [[|]]. A clone of the original Skandium web site (as of 2012, May 31has been installed on [[|]] 
 +The version 1.0b2 of Skandium is accessible also via the following links:  
 +  * [[|skandium-1.0b2.jar]] 
 +  * [[|skandium-1.0b2-src.jar]] 
 +  * [[|skandium-1.0b2-examples.jar]] 
 +The patch described during the lessons relative to the bug in the Skandium runtime consists in using this [[skadium-correct-java|]] file instead of the one in 1.02b.  
 +=== Muesli === 
 +Muesli is the C++ based skeleton library by H. Kuchen from the Univ. of Muenster (D). Here are the links to the relevant material available on the library:  
 +  * [[|home page]] 
 +  * [[|manual]] 
 +  * [[|code download]] 
 +=== SkeTo === 
 +SkeTo is the C++ based skeleton library from Univ. of Tokyo. More information on the [[|SkeTo home page]] and on the 1.10 [[|manual]]. 
 +=== ParaPhrase and Repara === 
 +Part of the most innovative arguments in the course have been and are influenced by our (di.unipi) participation in the EU FP7 Projects [[|ParaPhrase]] and  [[|REPARA]]. 
 +=== Phi access === 
 +The Dept. of Computer Science kindly agree to give access to the students to a machine with 2 Xeon PHI boards.  
 +[[spm1314phi|This page]] hosts instructions on how to use the Xeon Phi machine
 === Previous year material === === Previous year material ===
 The previous Academic Year material is still available at [[sdpm12support|this link]] The previous Academic Year material is still available at [[sdpm12support|this link]]
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/sdpm1314support.1383144659.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 30/10/2013 alle 14:50 (12 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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