Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!
Most of the course material is covered by: +
I suggest consulting also these books, available as ebooks from major electronic book stores and in paper copy:
- “Structured Parallel Programming (Patterns for Efficient Computation)” by M. McCool, A. D. Robinson, J. Reinders, Morgan Kaupfmann 2012 (preview available at this link).
This is the exercise page.
Access remote machines
- Xeon PHI
- see instructions
- Andromeda
- see instructions
Programming frameworks
- FastFlow:
- Home page with documentation
- Download with svn checkout
svn:// mc-fastflow-code
Do not use the tarball on the same sourceforge, as the tarball is older than the svn co and not kept updated frequently.
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/sdpm1415support.1415722467.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 11/11/2014 alle 16:14 (11 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto