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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:spm1112proj [23/11/2012 alle 06:57 (12 anni fa)] – [Project] Marco Daneluttomagistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:spm1112proj [17/01/2013 alle 16:37 (12 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam dates] Marco Danelutto
Linea 50: Linea 50:
 | Milli Letizia | APPL: monte carlo | MC | Skandium | May 7 | | Milli Letizia | APPL: monte carlo | MC | Skandium | May 7 |
 | Mohammed Ahmed Ali | APPL: game of life | MC | FastFlow | May 9 |  | Mohammed Ahmed Ali | APPL: game of life | MC | FastFlow | May 9 | 
 +| Mucci Matteo | SKEL: parameter sweeping | MC | Java | Nov 23 |
 | Panascì Giovanni | APPL: bucket sort | MC | Skandium | May 15 | | Panascì Giovanni | APPL: bucket sort | MC | Skandium | May 15 |
 | Pirritano Lorenzo | APPL: image processing | MC | FastFlow | May 17 | | Pirritano Lorenzo | APPL: image processing | MC | FastFlow | May 17 |
Linea 68: Linea 69:
 | Third summer session | July, 16th| | Third summer session | July, 16th|
 | Early autumn session | Sept., 11th |  | Early autumn session | Sept., 11th | 
-| First winter session | T.B.D. |  +| First winter session | Jan, 18th 2013 |  
-| Second winter session (last Academic Year session) | T.B.D. +| Second winter session (last Academic Year session) | Feb, 8th 2013 
 ==== Resources ====  ==== Resources ==== 
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/spm1112proj.1353653867.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 23/11/2012 alle 06:57 (12 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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