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SPM 2011-2012 exam page

Exam procedure

The SPM course exam consists in two parts:

  • the implementation of a project (sse below the project text), and
  • an oral exam, including a small demo/discussion relative to the project and some questions on the arguments covered by the course



Version Date File
0.9 May 3rd, 2012 PDF


A student (or a group of two students, when allowed) wishing to start working on the project should first “negotiate” the project. He/she should communicate to the professor the project chosen sending an email (subject “SPM project choice”). The email text should give an idea of

  • which project subject has been chosen and
  • of the unspecified parameters of the project.

In case of “free application”, as an example, the application chosen should be introduced; in case of any application, the framework chosen for the implementation is to be specified; etc. This information may also be provided during the lesson break or question time. The professor will accept the project (possibly requiring some modifications) either by sending an email or by publishing in the assignment table below the project data.

Student Project Architecture Tools Agreed on
Ceppa Ilaria APPL: game of life MC FastFlow May 9
Crupi Andrea APPL: bucket sort MC FastFlow May 7
Brasino Raffaella APPL: bucket sort MC Skandium May 11
Brizzi Filippo APPL: game of life MC Skandium May 9
Dabisias Giacomo APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 7
Destalem Negusse APPL: game of life MC FastFlow May 9
Di Girolamo Salvatore APPL: game of life MC FastFlow May 11
Esposito Andrea APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 9
Galatolo Gabriele APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 9
Gervasi Chiara APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 11
Guidotti Riccardo APPL: game of life MC Skandium May 9
Ibba Veronica APPL bucket sort MC Skandium May 7
Isoni Lorenzo APPL: bucket sort MC Skandium May 7
Khan Md Ashraf Hossain APPL: bucket sort MC FastFlow May 15
Kosic Sergio SKEL: map reduce (free) MC Java/RMI May 9
Landolfi Lorenzo APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 9
Ladu Roberto APPL: monte carlo MC+GPU FastFlow+Skepu May 30
Milli Letizia APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 7
Mohammed Ahmed Ali APPL: game of life MC FastFlow May 9
Panascì Giovanni APPL: bucket sort MC Skandium May 15
Pirritano Lorenzo APPL: image processing MC FastFlow May 17
Pirollo Giovanni APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 9
Ponza Marco APPL: bucket sort MC Skandium May 9
Portaluri Giuseppe APPL: bucket sort MC FastFlow May 9
Sulas Roberto APPL: game of life MC FastFlow May 24
Tarquini APPL: monte carlo MC Skandium May 9
Trani Roberto SKEL: mapreduce MC C++ June 1
Zicaro Roberto APPL: bucket sort MC Skandium May 7

Exam dates

These are the dates representing the deadlines for the submission of the project. After submission, I'll take about a week to mark projects, then I'll publish dates for oral exams.

Exam session Deadline for project submission
First summer session June, 4th
Second summer session June, 25th
Third summer session July, 16th
Early autumn session T.B.D.
First winter session T.B.D.
Second winter session (last Academic Year session) T.B.D.


Students implementing the project on multicore architectures may have a temporary, local account on a dual quad core Intel of our department ( Ottavinareale is not integrated with the facilities so you cannot use your “student” account to access it. The procedure to obtain the account (only for those that already registered the project with the professor and appear in the list of assignments in this page) requires you come in my studio (during question time or in any other time I'm in) in such a way I immediately activate you an account and you can set your own password to access it.

The accounts assigned on ottavinareale may be used without reservation any time, provided when you log in there is no “Active reservation” message in the /etc/motd (the text (file) you see right before shell prompt on the terminal. The contents of the message may be seen any time with a cat /etc/motd command from the shell prompt, or with a ssh [email protected] cat /etc/motd from any other (Unix/Linux/BSD) machine shell prompt). Code development, debugging and initial tuning may took place on the unreserved machine. The reservation mechanism is only recommended to be sure you'll take time with no other users on the machine for the final tests, those needed to generate the plots included in the final project report. Remember that I suggested you to prepare scripts to be able to run tests offline, in such a way you may also use nightime reservations.

More information on the usage of ottavinareale may be found at this web page.

magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/spm1112proj.1338564577.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 01/06/2012 alle 15:29 (13 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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