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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:spm14exe1 [26/11/2014 alle 07:51 (10 anni fa)] Massimo Torquatimagistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:spm14exe1 [17/12/2014 alle 06:29 (10 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Massimo Torquati
Linea 121: Linea 121:
   }   }
 </code>   </code>  
 +=== Sample solutions ===
 +See the matmul example in the FastFlow tutorial source code.
 ====== Class work 4 ====== ====== Class work 4 ======
Linea 142: Linea 148:
 </code> </code>
 The initialization of the two matrices A and B has to be overlapped with the computation of the elements of the C matrix. The initialization of the two matrices A and B has to be overlapped with the computation of the elements of the C matrix.
 +{{ }}
 +=== Sample solutions ===
 +Sample code [[sample_mmmdf14|here]].
 +====== Class work 5 ======
 +===== Map skeleton with dynamic scheduling =====
 +=== Sample solutions ===
 +Sample code [[sample_dynmap14|here]],
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/spm14exe1.1416988294.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 26/11/2014 alle 07:51 (10 anni fa) da Massimo Torquati

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