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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:supportorec17 [17/10/2017 alle 16:39 (8 anni fa)] Marco Daneluttomagistraleinformaticanetworking:spm:supportorec17 [25/01/2018 alle 14:17 (7 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Course notes] Marco Danelutto
Linea 11: Linea 11:
 Next lessons will be on Tuesday Oct. 3, 11am Room X1 and Tuesday Oct. 3 14pm in the multimedia room (Dept. of Computer Science). Next lessons will be on Tuesday Oct. 3, 11am Room X1 and Tuesday Oct. 3 14pm in the multimedia room (Dept. of Computer Science).
 +==== Course notes ====
 +Course notes (last edition) may be found [[|here]]
 +==== Trivial ff_comp implementation ==== 
 +In case, you may use this code to implement a trivial ff_comp that **only accepts sequential stages**. 
 +<code "ff_comp.hpp"> 
 +#ifndef ff_comp_hpp
 +#define ff_comp_hpp
 +#include <ff/node.hpp>
 +#include <vector>
 +#include <functional>
 +#include <initializer_list>
 +using namespace ff;
 +class ff_comp : public ff_node {
 +  std::vector<ff_node *>stages;
 +  int stageno;
 +  ff_comp(ff_node *s1, ff_node *s2) {
 +    stages.push_back(s1);
 +    stages.push_back(s2);
 +    stageno = 2;
 +  }
 +  ff_comp(std::initializer_list<ff_node*> pats) {
 +    stageno = 0;
 +    for(auto i = pats.begin(); i != pats.end(); i++) {
 +      stages.push_back(*i);
 +      stageno++;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  // for cloning
 +  ff_comp() {
 +    stageno=0;
 +    return;
 +  }
 +  void add_stage(ff_node * stage) {
 +    stages.push_back(stage);
 +    stageno++;
 +    return;
 +  }
 +  ff_comp * clone() {
 +    ff_comp * p = new ff_comp();
 +    for(int i=0; i<stageno; i++)
 +      p->add_stage(stages[i]);
 +    return(p);
 +  }
 +  // end of bad idea to clone
 +  void * svc (void * t) {
 +    auto x = stages[0]->svc(t);
 +    for(int i=1; i<stageno; i++)
 +      x = stages[i]->svc(x);
 +    return(x);
 +  }
 ====== Support material 2017 (recovery edition) ====== ====== Support material 2017 (recovery edition) ======
Linea 35: Linea 103:
 | spm17c15 | Cosimo Agati | | spm17c15 | Cosimo Agati |
 | spm17c16 | Elena Bucchianeri | | spm17c16 | Elena Bucchianeri |
 +| spm17c17 | Maria Chiara Cecconi |
 +| spm17c18 | Equi Massimo |
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/supportorec17.1508258376.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 17/10/2017 alle 16:39 (8 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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