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mds:dsd:start [29/11/2024 alle 09:36 (4 mesi fa)] – [Class calendar] Salvatore Ruggierimds:dsd:start [17/03/2025 alle 19:56 (2 settimane fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exams] Salvatore Ruggieri
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 The module presents the main approaches to the design and implementation of decision support databases, and the characteristics of business intelligence tools and computer based information systems used to produce summary information to facilitate appropriate decision-making processes and make them more quick and objectives. Specific attention will be paid to themes such as conceptual and logical Data Warehouses design, data analysis using analytic SQL, algorithms for selecting materialized views, data warehouse systems technology (indexes, star query optimization, physical design, query rewrite methods to use materialized views). A part of the course will be dedicated to a collection of case studies. The module presents the main approaches to the design and implementation of decision support databases, and the characteristics of business intelligence tools and computer based information systems used to produce summary information to facilitate appropriate decision-making processes and make them more quick and objectives. Specific attention will be paid to themes such as conceptual and logical Data Warehouses design, data analysis using analytic SQL, algorithms for selecting materialized views, data warehouse systems technology (indexes, star query optimization, physical design, query rewrite methods to use materialized views). A part of the course will be dedicated to a collection of case studies.
 =====Instructor===== =====Instructor=====
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-    * **Office hours:** Tuesdays h 14:00 - 16:00 or by appointment, at the Department of Computer Science, room 321/DO, or via Teams.+    * **Office hours:** Tuesdays h 16:00 - 18:00 or by appointment, at the Department of Computer Science, room 321/DO, or via Teams.
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 ^  Date  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^  Notes  ^ ^  Date  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^  Notes  ^
-|  6/11/2024   9:00 - 11:00  |  Riunioni Ovest, Dept. Computer Science  | [[|Extra-ordinary exam]] |+|  18/3/2025   9:00 - 11:00  |  FIB-E  | [[|Extra-ordinary exam]] |
 =====Class calendar ===== =====Class calendar =====
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 | | 29/11 11-13 |   | **Lesson canceled due to a strike.**  |   | | | 29/11 11-13 |   | **Lesson canceled due to a strike.**  |   |
 |22| 6/12 11-13 | Fib-C1 | The problem of evaluating the group-by before the join operator. First case: Invariant grouping. Examples. Other cases: double grouping, grouping and counting. Examples with star queries.  [[|rec22 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 8.3-8.6]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd22.pdf|slides22 (.pdf)}} | |22| 6/12 11-13 | Fib-C1 | The problem of evaluating the group-by before the join operator. First case: Invariant grouping. Examples. Other cases: double grouping, grouping and counting. Examples with star queries.  [[|rec22 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 8.3-8.6]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd22.pdf|slides22 (.pdf)}} |
-|23| 10/12 9-11  | Fib-C  | The problem of query rewrite to use a materialized view. Hypothesis and two approaches: With a compensation on the logical view plan, and with a transformation of logical query plan. Examples. [[|rec23 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 9.1-9.4]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd23.pdf|slides23 (.pdf)}} | +|23| 10/12 9-11  | Fib-C  | The problem of query rewrite to use a materialized view. Hypothesis and two approaches: With a compensation on the logical view plan, and with a transformation of logical query plan. Examples. [[|rec23 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 9.1-9.4]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd23.pdf|slides23 (.pdf)}} | 
-| | 13/11 11-13 |   | **No lesson in this date.**  |   |+| | 13/11 11-13 |   | **No lesson on this date.**  |   |
 |24| 17/12 9-11  | Fib-C1 | Data Warehousing trends: column-oriented DW, main-memory DW, Big Data framework. [[|rec24 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 6.5-6.8]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd24.pdf|slides24 (.pdf)}} | |24| 17/12 9-11  | Fib-C1 | Data Warehousing trends: column-oriented DW, main-memory DW, Big Data framework. [[|rec24 (.mp4)]] | **[DW: 6.5-6.8]**  {{:mds:dsd:dsd24.pdf|slides24 (.pdf)}} |
mds/dsd/start.1732873009.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 29/11/2024 alle 09:36 (4 mesi fa) da Salvatore Ruggieri

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