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phdai:sml [05/01/2025 alle 20:15 (2 mesi fa)] – [Exams] Salvatore Ruggieriphdai:sml [25/02/2025 alle 21:27 (2 settimane fa)] (versione attuale) Salvatore Ruggieri
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 The course is an extract of the M.Sc. level course [[mds:sds:start|Statistics for Data Science]]. The course is an extract of the M.Sc. level course [[mds:sds:start|Statistics for Data Science]].
 +  * **Andrea Pugnana** 
 +    * Università di Pisa 
 +    * [[]] 
 +    * [[[email protected]]]  
   * **Salvatore Ruggieri**   * **Salvatore Ruggieri**
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     * [[]]     * [[]]
     * [[[email protected]]]        * [[[email protected]]]   
-    * **Office hours:** Tuesdays h 14:00 - 16:00 or by appointment, at the Department of Computer Science, room 321/DO, or via Teams. 
-=====Hours and rooms===== 
-The course will be offered in one week to be fixed in the period February 2025 - May 2025. 
-A Teams channel will be used to post news, notes, Q&A, and other stuff related to the course. The lectures will be live-streamed and recorded.  
-**IMPORTANT:** //the actual week of the course will be published here in January 2025. Please send an email to [[[email protected]]]    if you have any preference about the week in the period February 2025 - May 2025// 
 =====Pre-requisites===== =====Pre-requisites=====
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   * **[P]** J. Ward, J. Abdey. **Mathematics and Statistics**. University of London, 2013. __Chapters 1-8 of Part 1__.   * **[P]** J. Ward, J. Abdey. **Mathematics and Statistics**. University of London, 2013. __Chapters 1-8 of Part 1__.
-Recording to extra-lessons refreshing such notions will be available prior to the starting of the course.+You can refresh such notions through this [[|recording]] and {{:mds:sds:s4ds06.pdf|slides}}.
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 =====Exams===== =====Exams=====
-Ph.D. students may do an exam (on voluntary basis) in the form of a report on an advanced topic/survey to be agreed upon. The topic is typically related/relevant to the objectives of the Ph.D. studies of the student.+Ph.D. students may do an exam (on voluntary basis) in the form of a report and a presentation on an advanced topic/survey to be agreed upon. The topic is typically related/relevant to the objectives of the Ph.D. studies of the student
 +Ph.D. students will receive an attendance statement if they attend at least 7 out of the 10+1 classes.
 =====Class calendar===== =====Class calendar=====
 +Please, subscribe to the [[|course Teams channel]] to receive updates on the course.
 +Lessons will be both live-streamed (see Teams channel) and in presence at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.
 +Teaching material might be updated **after the classes** to align with actual content and to correct typos. //Be sure to download the updated versions.//
 +^ # ^ Date ^ Room ^ Topic ^ Teaching material ^ 
 +|01| 17/3 11-13|Sem. Est| Introduction. Probability and independence. Bayes' rule. Speaker: A. Pugnana| ... |
 +|02| 20/3 14-16| Sem. Est| Discrete and continuous random variables. Speaker: A. Pugnana| ... |
 +|03| 24/3 11-13| Sem. Est| Expectation and variance. Computations with random variables. Moments. Speaker: A. Pugnana| ... |
 +|04| 27/3 14-16| Sem. Est| Functions of random variables. Distances between distributions. Simulation. Speaker: A. Pugnana| ... |
 +|05| 31/3 11-13| Sem. Est| Law of large numbers. The central limit theorem. Graphical summaries. Kernel Density Estimation. Numerical summaries. Speaker: A. Pugnana| ... |
 +|06| 10/4 16-18 | Sem. Est | Unbiased estimators. Efficiency and MSE. Maximum likelihood estimation. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 +|07| 14/4 11-13 | Sem. Est | Statistical decision theory. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 +|08| 28/4 11-13 | Sem. Ovest | Confidence intervals and Hypotheses testing. Fitting distributions. Testing  independence/association. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 +|09| 5/5 11-13 | Sem. Est | Bootstrap and resampling methods. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 +|10| 8/5 16-18 | Sem. Ovest | Multiple-sample tests of the mean and applications to classifier comparison. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 +|Extra| 12/05 14-16 | Fib-C | //Seminar:// Introduction to causal modeling and reasoning. Speakers: I. Beretta and M. Cinquini.  | ... |
-^ # ^ Date ^ Room ^ Topic ^ Mandatory teaching material ^  
-|01| ...| ...| ...| ... | 
phdai/sml.1736108151.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 05/01/2025 alle 20:15 (2 mesi fa) da Salvatore Ruggieri

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