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phdai:sml [20/02/2025 alle 15:29 (3 settimane fa)] – [Class calendar] Salvatore Ruggieriphdai:sml [25/02/2025 alle 21:27 (2 settimane fa)] (versione attuale) Salvatore Ruggieri
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   * **[P]** J. Ward, J. Abdey. **Mathematics and Statistics**. University of London, 2013. __Chapters 1-8 of Part 1__.   * **[P]** J. Ward, J. Abdey. **Mathematics and Statistics**. University of London, 2013. __Chapters 1-8 of Part 1__.
-Recording to extra-lessons refreshing such notions will be available prior to the starting of the course.+You can refresh such notions through this [[|recording]] and {{:mds:sds:s4ds06.pdf|slides}}.
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 =====Class calendar===== =====Class calendar=====
-Please, subscribe to the [[|course Teams channel]].+Please, subscribe to the [[|course Teams channel]] to receive updates on the course.
 Lessons will be both live-streamed (see Teams channel) and in presence at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa. Lessons will be both live-streamed (see Teams channel) and in presence at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.
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 |09| 5/5 11-13 | Sem. Est | Bootstrap and resampling methods. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... | |09| 5/5 11-13 | Sem. Est | Bootstrap and resampling methods. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
 |10| 8/5 16-18 | Sem. Ovest | Multiple-sample tests of the mean and applications to classifier comparison. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... | |10| 8/5 16-18 | Sem. Ovest | Multiple-sample tests of the mean and applications to classifier comparison. Speaker: S. Ruggieri. | ... |
-|Extra| 12/05 14-16 | Fib-C | //Seminar:// Introduction to causal modeling and reasoning. Speakers: I. Beretta and M. Cinquini.  |+|Extra| 12/05 14-16 | Fib-C | //Seminar:// Introduction to causal modeling and reasoning. Speakers: I. Beretta and M. Cinquini. ... |
phdai/sml.1740065381.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 20/02/2025 alle 15:29 (3 settimane fa) da Salvatore Ruggieri

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