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wirelessmobile:start [07/05/2010 alle 21:06 (15 anni fa)] Stefano Chessawirelessmobile:start [05/07/2010 alle 15:18 (15 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Stefano Chessa
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 ====== Seminario di Dottorato su Wireless e Mobile ====== ====== Seminario di Dottorato su Wireless e Mobile ======
 +For other Topics such as RFID, WiMax and others please contact: Prof. M. Bonuccelli, 
 +[email protected].
 === Wireless ad hoc and Sensor Networks === === Wireless ad hoc and Sensor Networks ===
-**Important** : the proposed papers are representative of a research area. The students are expected to look for related works and to present at the seminar both the proposed paper and a few other (1 or 2) related works. To organize a seminar on these topics please refer to Dr. Stefano Chessa.+**Important** : the proposed papers are representative of a research area. The students are expected to look for related works and to present at the seminar both the proposed paper and a few other (1 or 2) related works. To organize a seminar on these topics please refer to Dr. Stefano Chessa ( or to Prof. S. Pelagatti ([email protected])
   - [[|Dynamic MANET On-demand Routing Protocol (DYMO)]]   - [[|Dynamic MANET On-demand Routing Protocol (DYMO)]]
-  - [[|Sensor network navigation without locations]] +  - [[|Sensor network navigation without locations]] - Assigned to marco di Benedetto 
-  - [[|Load balanced and Efficient Hierarchical Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks]]+  - [[|Load balanced and Efficient Hierarchical Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks]] - Assigned to Diego Ceccarelli
   - [[|Distributed Sensor Localization in Random Environments Using Minimal Number of Anchor Nodes]]   - [[|Distributed Sensor Localization in Random Environments Using Minimal Number of Anchor Nodes]]
   - [[|On Delivery Guarantees of Face and Combined Greedy-Face Routing in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks]]   - [[|On Delivery Guarantees of Face and Combined Greedy-Face Routing in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks]]
-  - [[|Practical Data-Centric Storage]]+  - [[|Practical Data-Centric Storage]] - assigned to Gabriele Capannini
   - [[|Radio-telepathy: Extracting a Secret Key from an Unauthenticated Wireless Channel]]   - [[|Radio-telepathy: Extracting a Secret Key from an Unauthenticated Wireless Channel]]
-  - [[|A survey on wireless multimedia sensor networks]] +  - [[|A survey on wireless multimedia sensor networks]] - assigned to Luca Benedetti 
-  - [[|Multi-dimensional range queries in sensor networks]] +  - [[|Multi-dimensional range queries in sensor networks]] assigned to Dejan Kolundzija 
-  - [[|Virtual Ring Routing: Network Routing Inspired by DHTs]]+  - [[|Virtual Ring Routing: Network Routing Inspired by DHTs]] - assegnato a Matteo Sammartino
   - [[|A Coverage Inference Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks]]   - [[|A Coverage Inference Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks]]
-  - [[|Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks]]+  - [[|Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks]] - assigned to Ruzhen Dong
   - [[|Schedule Adaptation of Low-Power-Listening Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks]]   - [[|Schedule Adaptation of Low-Power-Listening Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks]]
 +  - The NesC Language: a Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems - assigned to Hesham Kholidy
 +  - Optimal tracking interval for predictive tracking in wireless sensor network - assigned to Gianpaolo Palma
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 +=== Scheduling ===
-  +Presentations are scheduled on Mondays 11.00 to 13.00 according to the following timetable: 
-  + 
-  + Date Time  ^  Speaker  ^  Topic  ^  
-  +|  14/06/2010 11:00  |  | |  
-  +|  14/06/2010 12:00  |  | |  
- +|  21/06/2010 11:00  |  | |  
 +|  21/06/2010 12:00  |  | |  
 +|  28/06/2010 11:00  |  | |  
 +|  28/06/2010 12:00  |  | |  
 +|  05/07/2010 11:00  |  | |  
 +|  05/07/2010 12:00  |  | |  
 +|  12/07/2010 11:00  |  | |  
 +|  12/07/2010 12:00  |  | |  
 +|  19/07/2010 11:00  |  | |  
 +|  19/07/2010 12:00  |  | | 
wirelessmobile/start.1273266402.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 07/05/2010 alle 21:06 (15 anni fa) da Stefano Chessa

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