Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito


Description of the variables

For each car driver we observe the following quantities, measured over a certain time window of mobile activity:

Length = total traveled distance (m.)
Duration = total time spent driving (sec.)
Count = number of different trips
Phighway = distance traveled on highways (m.)
Pcity = distance traveled inside cities (m.)
Length_arc_crowded = distance traveled on 20% most crowded roads (m.)
Pnight = distance traveled at night time (m.)
Pover = distance traveled over speed limit (m.)
Profile = number of systematic trips, e.g., work-home
Radius_g = radius of gyration: sparsity of location from the center of mass of the driver (mean position)
Radius_g_L1 = radius of gyration w.r.t. L1: sparsity of location from the driver's most frequent location (e.g., home)
Avg_Dist_L1 = average distance from L1:  average distance from the driver's most frequent location (e.g., home)
TimeL1L2 = % time spent at locations L1 and L2 (most and second most preferred locations)
EntropyArc = entropy on road segment frequencies, measures the diversity of roads traveled
EntropyLocation = entropy on location frequencies, measures the diversity of places visited
EntropyTime = entropy on hours of the day, measures the diversity of daily patterns

Notice that there are no missing values in the dataset, hence “0”s are actual “0”s, NOT missing values.

dm/start/dataunderstanding.txt · Ultima modifica: 01/11/2013 alle 00:02 (12 anni fa) da Fosca Giannotti

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