| Day | Topic | Slides/Code | Material | Teacher |
1. | 19.09 14:00-16:00 | Introduction to the Course | [slides] About the course; [slides] Introduction to Geospatial Analytics | [book chapter] Introduction to geographic information systems, Chapter 1; [paper] Human Mobility: Models and Applications, Section 1 | Pappalardo |
2. | 20.09 14:00-16:00 | Fundamental Concepts (theory) | [slides] Fundamental Concepts | [book chapter] Introduction to geographic information systems, Chapter 2 (Coordinate Systems); [paper] A survey of deep learning for human mobility, Section 2.1, Appendix A; Essentials of Geographic Information Systems,Chapter 4, Section 4.2 (Vector Data Models); [video] Intro to coordinate systems and UTM projection | Pappalardo |
3. | 26.09 14:00-16:00 | Fundamental Concepts (practice) | [code] Introduction to shapely, geopandas, folium, and scikit-mobility | [book chapter] Automating GIS-processes, Lesson 1 (Shapely and geometric objects); [article] Analyze Geospatial Data in Python: GeoPandas and Shapely; [paper] scikit-mobility: a Python library for the Analysis, Generation, and Risk Assessment of Mobility Data, Sections 1, 2; | Mauro |
4. | 27.09 14:00-16:00 | Spatial Data Analysis I (theory) | [slides] Spatial Data Analysis I | [book chapter] Introduction to geographic information systems, Sect. 3.1, 3.3, 4.1-4.3, 4.7, 8.5, Chapter 11; [book chapter] Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis, Chapter 11, 13; [book section] Encyclopedia of GIS: Geary’s C | Nanni |
5. | 03.10 14:00-16:00 | Spatial Data Analysis II (theory) | [slides] Spatial Data Analysis II | [book chapter] Introduction to geographic information systems, Chapter 15; [book chapter] Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis, Chapter 14; [book section] Spatial data science for sustainable development, Tutorial 3 (Spatial Regression); [paper] Spatial co-location patterns, Sect. 3.1; [paper] Trend Detection in Spatial Databases , Sect. 4 | Nanni |
6. | 04.10 14:00-16:00 | Spatial Data Analysis II (practice) | [code] Spatial Analysis exercises | PySAL: Python Spatial Analysis Library; Scikit-learn KNeighborsRegressor; PyKrige | Nanni |
7. | 17.10 14:00-16:00 | Geographic and Mobility data (theory) | [slides] Geographic and Mobility Data | [paper] A survey of deep learning for human mobility , Appendix C.1, C.2, C.3; [paper] Evaluation of home detection algorithms on mobile phone data using individual-level ground truth , Section 1 “Introduction”, Section 2 “Mobile phone datasets”; [paper] A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis , Section 1 “Introduction”, Section 3 “Adding space - geographical networks”; [paper] Urban Human Mobility: Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction, Section 2.2 “Popular Urban Data”; | Pappalardo |
8. | 18.10 14:00-16:00 | Geographic and Mobility data (practice) | [code] Exercise: converting a GPS trace into CDR one | [paper] scikit-mobility: a Python library for the Analysis, Generation, and Risk Assessment of Mobility Data, Section 4 “Plotting”; [video] scikit-mobility data module; [tutorial] OSMnx: Python for Street Networks; [paper] OSMnx: New methods for acquiring, constructing, analyzing, and visualizing complex street networks; [book chapter] Intro to Python GIS, Retrieving OpenStreetMap data ; | Cornacchia |
9. | 24.10 14:00-16:00 | Data Preprocessing (theory) | [slides] Data Preprocessing | [paper] Review and classification of trajectory summarisation algorithms: From compression to segmentation; [paper] Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to represent a digitized line or its caricature (Douglas-Peucker); [paper] A Trajectory Segmentation Map-Matching Approach for Large-Scale, High-Resolution GPS Data; [paper] Hidden Markov Map Matching Through Noise and Sparseness | Cornacchia |
10. | 25.10 14:00-16:00 | Data Preprocessing (practice) | [code] Exercise: implementing speed-based noise filtering | | Cornacchia |
11. | 07.11 14:00-16:00 | Individual Mobility Patterns (theory) | [slides] Individual mobility patterns | [paper] The scaling laws of human travel; [paper] Understanding individual human mobility patterns; [paper] Human Mobility: Models and Applications, Sections 3.1 and 4; [paper] Returners and Explorers dichotomy in Human Mobility; [paper] Limits of predictability in human mobility; [paper] Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility; | Pappalardo |
12. | 08.11 14:00-16:00 | Individual Mobility Patterns (practice) | Practice session on individual measures | | Mauro |
13. | 14.11 14:00-16:00 | Individual and Collective Mobility models (theory) | Human Mobility Models | [paper] Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility; [paper] Human Mobility: Models and Applications; [paper] A universal model for mobility and migration patterns; [paper] Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models: [paper] A Deep Gravity model for mobility flows generation | Pappalardo |
14. | 15.11 14:00-16:00 | Individual and Collective Mobility models (practice) | Practice session on the Gravity model | | Mauro |
15. | 28.11 14:00:16:00 | Guest lecture | | | Riccardo Di Clemente |
| 29.11 14:00:16:00 | Cancelled for strike | | | |
16. | 05.12 14:00:16:00 | Mobility pattern mining | [slides] Mobility Patterns | [paper] Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Similarity Measures: A Comprehensive Survey and Quantitative Study, Sections 1-2-3; [paper] Computing longest duration flocks in trajectory data, Section 1; [paper] Discovery of Convoys in Trajectory Databases, Section 3; [paper] On Discovering Moving Clusters in Spatio-temporal Data, Sections 1, 2, 4.1; [paper] Trajectory pattern mining, Section 3; [paper] DETECT: Deep Trajectory Clustering for Mobility-Behavior Analysis, Section II | Nanni |
17. | 06.12 14:00:16:00 | Next-location prediction | [slides] Next Location Prediction | [paper] Mobility Prediction: A Survey on State-of-the-Art Schemes and Future Applications, Sections I-IV; [book chapter] Speech and Language Processing, Chapter A - Hidden Markov Models; [paper] Do Fielders Know Where to Go to Catch the Ball...?; [library doc] HMMlearn library | Nanni |
18. | ??.12 ??:??:?? | Mobility pattern mining and next-location prediction (practice) | | | Cornacchia |