Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!
Robotics A.Y. 2019/2020
Professors: Cecilia Laschi, Egidio Falotico
IMPORTANT NEWS (March 8, 2020):
cecilia [dot] laschi [at] santannapisa [dot] it
egidio [dot] falotico [at] santannapisa [dot] it
Monday 16.00-18.00 Room N1
Wednesday 11.00-13.00 Room L1
Assignment: Search the internet for a good example of a robot responding to our definition:
A robot is an autonomous system which exists in the physical world, can sense its environment, and can act on it to achieve some goals
(It can be done in small groups of two students)
Next next class (Monday February 24):
- Present your robot with few slides (including pictures)
- Explain how it responds to the definition
- Show its main components
- If bioinspired, explain why/how/where
Fundamentals of Robotics and Control
Robot mechanics and kinematics
Lecture Notes Transformation Matrices
Robot control
Lecture Notes on Robot Control
Lecture Notes on Robot Control 2
Lecture Notes on Trajectory Planning
Architectures for behaviour control
Lecture Notes on Robot Architectures
Lecture Notes on Robot Reactive Architectures
Robot Navigation
Humanoid robotics
Lecture Notes on Biped Locomotion
NeuroMorphic Computing
Robot vision
Robot Vision
- Peter Agoston
- Matteo Barato
- David Berei
- Dennis Bettels
- Leonardo Calamita
- Luca De Martino
- Michele Fontanesi
- Marco Gaglianese
- Diletta Goglia
- Cristopher William Izquierdo Verdogo
- Pietro Leonardi
- Stefan Motoc
- Paolo Murgia
- Marco Pedix
- Andrea Puccioni
- Matteo Ronchetti
- Mario Saracino
- Jessica Sartori
- Rudy Semda
- Giovanni Sorice
- Luca Strazzera
- Gabriele Tenucci
- Marianthi Vasilopoulou
- Raffaele Villani
- Sharath Chandra Yanamandra
See UniPI official website with exam calendar.