Examples of ASSIST code
I gathered here a few simple ASSIST programs (chosen among the ASSIST framework regression tests) as concrete examples of the ASSIST programming syntax.
Simple process graphs, "none" topology parmod
- grafo.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 10 generic main() { stream long A1; stream long A2; stream long[N] B1; stream long[N] B2; stream long C1; stream long C2; stream bool D1; stream bool D2; genera1 ( output_stream A1); genera2 ( output_stream A2); p1 (input_stream A1 output_stream B1); p2 (input_stream A2 output_stream B2); cross (input_stream B1,B2 output_stream C1,C2); p3 (input_stream C1 output_stream D1); p4 (input_stream C2 output_stream D2); fine (input_stream D1,D2); } genera1(output_stream long A1) { fgen1(output_stream A1); } proc fgen1(output_stream long A1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a; // start message for regression test std::cerr << "STARTING genera1" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { a = i; assist_out(A1, a); }; }c++$ genera2(output_stream long A2) { fgen2(output_stream A2); } proc fgen2(output_stream long A2) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a; // start message for regression test std::cerr << "STARTING genera2" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { a = 1 + i; assist_out(A2,a); } }c++$ parmod p1 (input_stream long A1 output_stream long B1[N]) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , A1 { distribution A1 on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out B1) { VP { f_p1 (in A1 output_stream B1); } } } output_section { collects B1 from ANY Pv; } } parmod p2 (input_stream long A2 output_stream long B2[N]) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , A2 { distribution A2 on_demand to Pv; } } while (true==true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out B2) { VP { f_p2 (in A2 output_stream B2); } } } output_section { collects B2 from ANY Pv; } } cross(input_stream long B1[N], long B2[N] output_stream long C1, long C2) { fcross (in B1,B2 output_stream C1,C2); } proc fcross(in long B1[N], long B2[N] output_stream long C1, long C2) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long c1 = 0; long c2 = 0; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { c1 = c1 + B1[i]; c2 = c2 + B2[i]; } assist_out(C1,c1); assist_out(C2,c2); }c++$ parmod p3 (input_stream long C1 output_stream bool D1) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , C1 { distribution C1 on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out D1) { VP { f_p3 (in C1 output_stream D1); } } } output_section { collects D1 from ANY Pv; } } parmod p4 (input_stream long C2 output_stream bool D2) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , C2 { distribution C2 on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out D2) { VP { f_p4 (in C2 output_stream D2); } } } output_section { collects D2 from ANY Pv; } } fine(input_stream bool D1,bool D2) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ static int count; static int ok = 0; if ((D1 != true) || (D2 !=false)) ok = -1; count++; if (count >= N) { // termination message for regression test if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS grafo.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE grafo.ast" << std::endl; } }c++$ proc f_p1(in long A1 output_stream long B1[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long b[N]; b[0] = A1; for (int i=1;i<N;i++) b[i] = b[i-1] + A1; assist_out(B1, b); }c++$ proc f_p2(in long A2 output_stream long B2[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long b[N]; b[0] = A2; for (int i=1;i<N;i++) b[i] = b[i-1] + A2; assist_out(B2, b); }c++$ proc f_p3(in long C1 output_stream bool D1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ bool d1 = true; assist_out(D1,d1); }c++$ proc f_p4(in long C2 output_stream bool D2) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ bool d2 = false; assist_out(D2,d2); }c++$
- pipeline.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 10 #define MAX_ITER 10 #define FILE_OUT "/tmp/risultato.txt" /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Test of a simple pipeline with a parmod none as middle stage */ /* here the proc elements have been written in C++ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct { long x; long y; } T_cart; generic main() { stream T_cart[N] A; stream T_cart[N] B; genera (output_stream A); elabora (input_stream A output_stream B); stampa (input_stream B); } genera (output_stream T_cart A[N]) { Fgenera (output_stream A); } proc Fgenera (output_stream T_cart A[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ T_cart tmp_A[N]; // start message for regression test std::cerr << "STARTING gen" << std::endl; for (int k=0; k<MAX_ITER; k++) { for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { tmp_A[i].x = i+(k/MAX_ITER); tmp_A[i].y = (i+(k/MAX_ITER)) * (i+(k/MAX_ITER)); } assist_out (A, tmp_A); } }c++$ parmod elabora (input_stream T_cart A[N] output_stream T_cart B[N]) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , A { distribution A on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out B) { VP { Felab (in A out B); } } } output_section { collects B from ANY Pv; } } stampa (input_stream T_cart B[N]) inc<"iostream","fstream"> $c++{ std::ofstream f; static int file_aperto = -1; static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; if (file_aperto == -1) { (FILE_OUT); file_aperto = 0; } for(int i=0; i<N; i++) f << B[i].x << " " << B[i].y << std::endl; f << std::endl << std::endl; // verify result for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { if (B[i].y != -((int)(i+(count/MAX_ITER)))) ok = -1; if (B[i].x != ((int)((i+(count/MAX_ITER)) * (i+(count/MAX_ITER))))) ok = -1; } count++; if (count >= MAX_ITER) { f.close(); // termination message for regression test if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS pipeline.ast --> stampa su file " << FILE_OUT << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE pipeline.ast --> stampa su file " << FILE_OUT << std::endl; } }c++$ proc Felab (in T_cart A[N] out T_cart B[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ static int count= 0; //std::cerr << " Felab " << count++ << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { B[i].x = A[i].y; B[i].y = -A[i].x; } }c++$
- pipeline_C.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 10 #define MAX_ITER 10 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Test of a simple pipeline with a parmod none as middle stage */ /* here the proc elements have been written in C */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct { long x; long y; } T_cart; generic main() { stream T_cart[N] A; stream T_cart[N] B; genera (output_stream A); elabora (input_stream A output_stream B); stampa (input_stream B); } genera (output_stream T_cart A[N]) { Fgenera (output_stream A); } proc Fgenera (output_stream T_cart A[N]) inc<"stdio.h"> $c{ int i, k; T_cart tmp_A[N]; // start message for regression test printf ("STARTING gen\n"); for (k=0; k<MAX_ITER; k++) { for (i=0; i<N; i++) { tmp_A[i].x = i+(k/MAX_ITER); tmp_A[i].y = (i+(k/MAX_ITER)) * (i+(k/MAX_ITER)); } assist_out (A, tmp_A); } }c$ parmod elabora (input_stream T_cart A[N] output_stream T_cart B[N]) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , A { distribution A on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out B) { VP { Felab (in A output_stream B); } } } output_section { collects B from ANY Pv; } } stampa (input_stream T_cart B[N]) inc<"stdio.h"> $c{ int i; static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; /* for (i=0; i<N; i++) { printf("%d,%d - ",(*B)[i].x,(*B)[i].y); } printf("\n"); */ // verify result for (i=0; i<N; i++) { if ((*B)[i].y != -((int)(i+(count/MAX_ITER)))) { ok = -1; printf("B[%d].y = %d e il mio conto = %d\n", i, (*B)[i].y, ((int)(i+(count/MAX_ITER)))); } if ((*B)[i].x != ((int)((i+(count/MAX_ITER)) * (i+(count/MAX_ITER))))) { ok = -1; printf("B[%d].x = %d e il mio conto = %d\n", i, (*B)[i].x, -((int)((i+(count/MAX_ITER)) * (i+(count/MAX_ITER))))); } } count++; if (count >= MAX_ITER) { // termination message for regression test if (ok==0) printf("ENDING with SUCCESS pipeline_C.ast\n"); else printf("ENDING with FAILURE pipeline_C.ast\n"); } }c$ proc Felab (in T_cart A[N] output_stream T_cart S[N]) inc<"stdio.h"> $c{ int i; T_cart B[N]; for (i=0; i<N; i++) { B[i].x = (*A)[i].y; B[i].y = -((*A)[i].x); } assist_out(S,B); }c$
More complex examples of parmod usage
- parmod.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 10 #define M 5 generic main() { stream long A1; stream long B1; genera(output_stream A1); p_array(input_stream A1 output_stream B1); fine1(input_stream B1); } genera(output_stream long A1) { fgen(output_stream A1); } proc fgen(output_stream long A1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING gen" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { a = i; assist_out(A1, a); }; }c++$ parmod p_array (input_stream long A1 output_stream long B1) { topology array[i:M] Pv; attribute long z; do input_section { guard1: on , , A1 { distribution A1 broadcast to Pv; operation { z = z + 1; }<use {z}> } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab1 (in guard1 out B1) { VP i { f_p1 (in A1 output_stream B1); } } } output_section { collects B1 from ANY Pv; } } fine1(input_stream long B1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; //std::cerr << "Fine -> ricevuto B1 = " << B1 <<std::endl; // verify result long b; if (B1 != ((int)(count/M))) ok = -1; count++; // end of regression test if (count >= N*M) { if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS fine parmod.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE fine parmod.ast" << std::endl; } }c++$ proc f_p1(in long A1 output_stream long B1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long b = A1; assist_out(B1,b); }c++$
- parmod_due_proc.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define CIPATH "/usr/include" #define N 10 #define M 5 #define NUM1 0 #define NUM2 1 generic main() { stream long A; stream long[2] B; genera ( output_stream A); p_array (input_stream A output_stream B); fine1 (input_stream B); } genera(output_stream long A) { fgen(output_stream A); } proc fgen(output_stream long A) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a; // start of regression test std::cerr << "STARTING gen" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { a = i; assist_out(A, a); }; }c++$ parmod p_array (input_stream long A output_stream long B[2]) { topology array[i:M] Pv; attribute long b[2] replicated; do input_section { guard1: on , , A { distribution A broadcast to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab1 (in guard1) { VP i { f_p1 (in A, i out b); f_p2 (in b out b); assist_out (B, b); } } } output_section { collects B from ANY Pv; } } fine1(input_stream long B[2]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; long b; if (B[1] != NUM2) ok = -1; count++; // end of regression test if (count >= N*M) { if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS fine parmod_due_proc.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE fine parmod_due_proc.ast" << std::endl; } }c++$ proc f_p1(in long A, long i out long B[2]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ B[0] = i; B[1] = NUM1; }c++$ proc f_p2(in long B1[2] out long B2[2]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ B2[0] = B1[0]; B2[1] = NUM2; }c++$
- nondeterminismo.ast
// -*- C++ -*- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* This example test nondeterministic receive over two streams */ /* in a parmod with none topology */ /* Program graph contains 2 sequential modules, a parmod and */ /* a further sequential. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define N 10 #define MAX_ITER1 10 #define MAX_ITER2 10 #define FILE_OUT "/tmp/risultato.txt" typedef struct { long x; long y; } T_cart; generic main() { stream T_cart[N] A; stream long A1; stream T_cart[N] B; genera1 (output_stream A); genera2 (output_stream A1); elabora (input_stream A, A1 output_stream B); stampa (input_stream B); } genera1(output_stream T_cart A[N]) { Fgenera1(output_stream A); } proc Fgenera1(output_stream T_cart A[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ T_cart tmp_A[N]; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING fgen1" << std::endl; for (int k=0; k<MAX_ITER1; k++) { for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { tmp_A[i].x = i+(k/MAX_ITER1); tmp_A[i].y = (i+(k/MAX_ITER1)) * (i+(k/MAX_ITER1)); } assist_out (A, tmp_A); } }c++$ genera2(output_stream long A1) { Fgenera2(output_stream A1); } proc Fgenera2(output_stream long A1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ static long c = 0; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING fgen2" << std::endl; for(int k=0; k<MAX_ITER2; k++) { assist_out(A1, c); c++; } }c++$ parmod elabora(input_stream T_cart A[N], long A1 output_stream T_cart B[N]) { topology none Pv; do input_section { guard1: on , , A { distribution A on_demand to Pv; } guard2: on , , A1 { distribution A1 on_demand to Pv; } } while(true) virtual_processors { elab(in guard1 out B) { VP { Felab1(in A output_stream B); } } elab1(in guard2) { VP { Felab2(in A1); } } } output_section { collects B from ANY Pv; } } stampa(input_stream T_cart B[N]) inc<"fstream","iostream"> $c++{ std::ofstream f; static int file_aperto = -1; static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; if (file_aperto == -1) { (FILE_OUT); file_aperto = 0; } for(int i=0; i<N; i++) f << B[i].x << " " << B[i].y << std::endl; f << std::endl << std::endl; // verift result for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { if (B[i].y != -((int)(i+(count/MAX_ITER1)))) ok = -1; if (B[i].x != ((int)((i+(count/MAX_ITER1)) * (i+(count/MAX_ITER1))))) ok = -1; } count++; if (count >= MAX_ITER1) { f.close(); // end of regression test if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS nondeterminismo.ast su file " << FILE_OUT << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE nondeterminismo.ast su file " << FILE_OUT << std::endl; } }c++$ proc Felab1(in T_cart A[N] output_stream T_cart S[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ int i; T_cart B[N]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) { B[i].x = A[i].y; B[i].y = -A[i].x; } assist_out(S, B); }c++$ proc Felab2(in long A1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ }c++$
- array_scatter.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 10 generic main() { stream long[N] A1; stream long[N] A2; stream long[N] B1; stream long[N] B2; genera1 (output_stream A1); genera2 (output_stream A2); cross (input_stream A1, A2 output_stream B1, B2); fine1 (input_stream B1); fine2 (input_stream B2); } genera1(output_stream long A1[N]) { fgen1(output_stream A1); } proc fgen1(output_stream long A1[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a[N]; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING fgen1" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) a[i] = i; assist_out(A1, a); }c++$ genera2(output_stream long A2[N]) { fgen2(output_stream A2); } proc fgen2(output_stream long A2[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long a[N]; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING fgen2" << std::endl; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) a[i] = 10 + i; assist_out(A2,a); }c++$ parmod cross(input_stream long A1[N], long A2[N] output_stream long B1[N], long B2[N]) { topology array [i:N] Pv; attribute long S[N] scatter S[*i0] onto Pv[i0]; stream long s1; stream long s2; do input_section { guard1: on , , A1 { distribution A1[*j] scatter to S[j]; } guard2: on , , A2 { distribution A2[*k] scatter to S[k]; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab1(in guard1 out s1) { VP i { f_p1(in S[i] out s1); } } elab2(in guard2 out s2) { VP i { f_p2(in S[i] out s2); } } } output_section { collects s1 from ALL Pv[i] { int el1; int B1_[N]; AST_FOR_EACH(el1) { B1_[i]=el1; } assist_out (B1, B1_); }<>; collects s2 from ALL Pv[i] { int el2; int B2_[N]; AST_FOR_EACH(el2) { B2_[i]=el2; } assist_out (B2, B2_); }<>; } } fine1(input_stream long B1[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ int ok = 0; /* std::cerr << "Fine1: " << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) std::cerr << B1[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; */ for (int i=0;i<N;i++) if (B1[i] != i) ok = -1; if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS fine1 array_scatter.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE fine1 array_scatter.ast" << std::endl; }c++$ fine2(input_stream long B2[N]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ int ok = 0; /* std::cerr << "Fine2: " << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) std::cerr << B2[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; */ for (int i=0;i<N;i++) if (B2[i] != (10 + i)) ok = -1; if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS fine2 array_scatter.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE fine2 array_scatter.ast" << std::endl; }c++$ proc f_p1(in long A1 out long B1) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long b; b = A1; B1 = b; }c++$ proc f_p2(in long A2 out long B2) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ B2 = A2; }c++$
- array_on_demand_attrib_array_replic.ast
// -*- C++ -*- #define N 5 #define M 10 #define MAX_ITER 20 #define RIS "/tmp/risultato.txt" /***************************************************************/ /* */ /* Test of the on_demand distribution over the array topology */ /* */ /* The parmod "elabora" has array topology */ /* */ /* The replicated attribute is a one-dimension array */ /* */ /**************************************************************/ generic main() { stream long[M] A; stream long[M] B; genera (output_stream A); elabora (input_stream A output_stream B); stampa (input_stream B); } genera (output_stream long A[M]) { Fgenera (output_stream A); } proc Fgenera (output_stream long A[M]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ long tmp_A[M]; // start regression test std::cerr << "STARTING fgen" << std::endl; for (int k=0; k<MAX_ITER; k++) { for (int i=0; i<M; i++) tmp_A[i] = i; assist_out (A, tmp_A); } }c++$ parmod elabora (input_stream long A[M] output_stream long B[M]) { topology array [i:N] Pv; /* bug in module builder solved: it was taking B_ as an integer, while it is an array */ attribute long B_[M] replicated; stream long ris[M]; do input_section { guard1: on , , A { distribution A on_demand to Pv; } } while (true) virtual_processors { elab (in guard1 out ris) { VP i { Felab (in A out B_); assist_out (ris, B_); } } } output_section { collects ris from ANY Pv { assist_out(B, ris); }<>; } } stampa (input_stream long B[M]) inc<"fstream","iostream"> $c++{ static std::ofstream f; static int count = 0; static int ok = 0; if (count == 0) { (RIS); } /* print and verify results */ for (int i=0; i<M; i++) { f << B[i] << std::endl; if (B[i] != i) ok = -1; } count++; // end of regression test if (count >= MAX_ITER) { if (ok==0) std::cerr << "ENDING with SUCCESS fine array_on_demand_attrib_array_replic.ast" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ENDING with FAILURE fine array_on_demand_attrib_array_replic.ast" << std::endl; f.close(); } }c++$ proc Felab (in long A[M] out long B_[M]) inc<"iostream"> $c++{ for (int i=0; i<M; i++) B_[i] = A[i]; }c++$
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spd/assistexamples.txt · Ultima modifica: 19/05/2010 alle 12:52 (15 anni fa) da Massimo Coppola