SPM exams Feb 2016
Thursday, Feb 25, 9.00am:
- Conte + (project discussion only) Rinaldi
Monday, Feb 29, 9.30am:
- Frati, Forti
Monday, Feb 29, 4.00pm:
- Marini, Ralli
Friday, March 4, 10.00am:
- Crecchi, Neri
Friday, March 4, 11.00am:
- Desogus, Miraglia
Postponed as of email request (exam next week):
- Di Rienzo
In case you have lessons in the scheduled exam date, please send me an email and we'll agree another time/day repsecting your teaching timetable.
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/calspm0216.txt · Ultima modifica: 03/03/2016 alle 17:09 (9 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto