- farm_farm.cpp
/* * * --------------------------------------------------------------- * | host0 | * | ------------------ | * | | | | * | | | | * | master ------|-----> Farm ------|-- * | -------------------------- | | | * | | | | | (ff_farm) | * v | | | ------------------ * ---|-> Collector --> Emitter--|--- * ^ | | | ON-DEMAND (COMM1) * | | (ff_pipeline) | | * | -------------------------- | host1 * | C P | ------------------ * | FROM ANY (COMM2) | | | * | | | | * | ------|------> Farm -----|-- * | | | | * | | (ff_farm) | | * | ------------------ | * | | * --------------------------------------------------------------- * NOTE: - Each Farm has the same number of workers (nw) * - The Farm does not have the collector thus each worker sends * data to the Collector. * * COMM1, the server address is master:port1 (the address1 parameter) * COMM2, the server address is master:port2 (the address2 parameter) * * NOTE: * If SINGLE_FARM is defined at compile time, then a single master-worker * farm skeleton is used to compute all the matrices. * */ #include <sys/uio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <ff/node.hpp> #include <ff/svector.hpp> #include <ff/dnode.hpp> #include <ff/pipeline.hpp> #include <ff/farm.hpp> #if defined(USE_PROC_AFFINITY) #include <ff/mapping_utils.hpp> #endif #include <ff/d/inter.hpp> #include <ff/d/zmqTransport.hpp> #include <ff/d/zmqImpl.hpp> using namespace ff; #define COMM1 zmqOnDemand #define COMM2 zmqFromAny // gloabals just to save some coding unsigned taskSize=0; #if defined(USE_PROC_AFFINITY) //WARNING: the following mapping targets dual-eight core Intel Sandy-Bridge const int worker_mapping[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}; const int emitter_mapping = 31; const int PHYCORES = 16; #endif class Collector: public ff_dnode<COMM2> { typedef COMM2::TransportImpl transport_t; public: Collector(unsigned nTasks, unsigned nHosts, const std::string& name, const std::string& address, transport_t* const transp): nTasks(nTasks),nHosts(nHosts),name(name),address(address),transp(transp) { } // initializes dnode int svc_init() { #if !defined(SINGLE_FARM) struct timeval start,stop; gettimeofday(&start,NULL); ff_dnode<COMM2>::init(name, address, nHosts, transp, RECEIVER,0); gettimeofday(&stop,NULL); printf("Collector init time %f ms\n", diffmsec(stop,start)); #endif #if defined(USE_PROC_AFFINITY) if (ff_mapThreadToCpu(emitter_mapping)!=0) printf("Cannot map Emitter to CPU %d\n",emitter_mapping); //else printf("Emitter mapped to CPU %d\n", emitter_mapping); #endif cnt=0; return 0; } #if !defined(SINGLE_FARM) void *svc(void *task) { if (task == NULL) { srandom(0); //::getpid()+(getusec()%4999)); for(unsigned i=0;i<nTasks;++i) { double* t = new double[taskSize*taskSize]; assert(t); for(unsigned j=0;j<(taskSize*taskSize);++j) t[j] = 1.0*random() / (double)(taskSize); ff_send_out((void*)t); } return GO_ON; } //printf("got result\n"); ++cnt; return GO_ON; } #else void *svc(void *task) { static unsigned sent=0; if (task == NULL) { const unsigned TASK_BATCH=(nTasks<1024)?nTasks:1024; srandom(0); //::getpid()+(getusec()%4999)); for(unsigned i=0;i<TASK_BATCH;++i) { double* t = new double[taskSize*taskSize]; assert(t); for(unsigned j=0;j<(taskSize*taskSize);++j) t[j] = 1.0*random() / (double)(taskSize); ff_send_out((void*)t); } sent+=TASK_BATCH; return GO_ON; } //printf("got result\n"); ++cnt; if (cnt==nTasks) { delete [] (double*)task; return NULL; // generates EOS } if (sent<nTasks) { double* t= (double*)task; for(unsigned j=0;j<(taskSize*taskSize);++j) t[j] = 1.0*random() / (double)(taskSize); ff_send_out((void*)t); ++sent; } else delete [] (double*)task; return GO_ON; } #endif void svc_end() { printf("Collector: computed %d tasks\n", cnt); } private: unsigned nTasks; unsigned nHosts; protected: const std::string name; const std::string address; transport_t * transp; unsigned cnt; }; class Emitter: public ff_dnode<COMM1> { typedef COMM1::TransportImpl transport_t; protected: static void callback(void* e, void* arg) { delete [] (double*)e; } public: Emitter(unsigned nTasks, unsigned nHosts, const std::string& name, const std::string& address, transport_t* const transp): nTasks(nTasks),nHosts(nHosts),name(name),address(address),transp(transp) { } int svc_init() { // the callback will be called as soon as the output message is no // longer in use by the transport layer struct timeval start,stop; gettimeofday(&start,NULL); ff_dnode<COMM1>::init(name, address, nHosts, transp, SENDER, 0, callback); gettimeofday(&stop,NULL); printf("Emitter init time %f ms\n", diffmsec(stop,start)); return 0; } void * svc(void* task) { if (--nTasks == 0) { ff_send_out(task); return NULL; // generates EOS } return task; } void prepare(svector<iovec>& v, void* ptr, const int sender=-1) { struct iovec iov={ptr,taskSize*taskSize*sizeof(double)}; v.push_back(iov); setCallbackArg(NULL); } private: unsigned nTasks; unsigned nHosts; protected: const std::string name; const std::string address; transport_t * transp; }; struct ff_task_t { double* getData() { return (double*)(msg->getData()); } COMM1::TransportImpl::msg_t* msg; ff_task_t* self; }; class Emitter2: public ff_dnode<COMM1> { typedef COMM1::TransportImpl transport_t; public: Emitter2(const std::string& name, const std::string& address, transport_t* const transp): name(name),address(address),transp(transp) { } int svc_init() { ff_dnode<COMM1>::init(name, address, 1, transp, RECEIVER, transp->getProcId()); return 0; } void * svc(void * task) { return task; } void prepare(svector<msg_t*>*& v, size_t len, const int sender=-1) { svector<msg_t*> * v2 = new svector<msg_t*>(len); assert(v2); for(size_t i=0;i<len;++i) { msg_t * m = new msg_t; assert(m); v2->push_back(m); } v = v2; } virtual void unmarshalling(svector<msg_t*>* const v[], const int vlen, void *& task) { assert(vlen==1 && v[0]->size()==1); ff_task_t* t = new ff_task_t; t->msg = v[0]->operator[](0); t->self= t; task = t; //task = v[0]->operator[](0)->getData(); delete v[0]; } protected: const std::string name; const std::string address; transport_t * transp; }; class Worker: public ff_dnode<COMM2> { typedef COMM2::TransportImpl transport_t; protected: static void callback(void *e, void* arg) { ff_task_t* t = (ff_task_t*)arg; assert(t); delete (t->msg); delete (t->self); } public: Worker(const int nw, const std::string& name, const std::string& address, transport_t* const transp): nw(nw),name(name),address(address),transp(transp) { } int svc_init() { myt = new double[taskSize*taskSize]; assert(myt); c = new double[taskSize*taskSize]; assert(c); for(unsigned j=0;j<(taskSize*taskSize);++j) c[j] = j*1.0; #if !defined(SINGLE_FARM) ff_dnode<COMM2>::init(name, address, 1, transp, SENDER, transp->getProcId()*nw+get_my_id()); #endif #if defined(USE_PROC_AFFINITY) if (ff_mapThreadToCpu(worker_mapping[get_my_id() % PHYCORES])!=0) printf("Cannot map Worker %d CPU %d\n",get_my_id(), worker_mapping[get_my_id() % PHYCORES]); //else printf("Thread %d mapped to CPU %d\n",get_my_id(), worker_mapping[get_my_id() % PHYCORES]); #endif cnt=0; return 0; } void * svc(void * task) { #if !defined(SINGLE_FARM) double* t = ((ff_task_t*)task)->getData(); #else double* t = (double*)task; #endif bzero(myt,taskSize*taskSize*sizeof(double)); for(unsigned i=0;i<taskSize;++i) for(unsigned j=0;j<taskSize;++j) for(unsigned k=0;k<taskSize;++k) myt[i*taskSize+j] += t[i*taskSize+k]*t[k*taskSize+j]; memcpy(t,myt,taskSize*taskSize*sizeof(double)); ++cnt; return task; } void svc_end() { delete [] myt; delete [] c; printf("Worker: computed %d tasks\n", cnt); } void prepare(svector<iovec>& v, void* ptr, const int sender=-1) { struct iovec iov={((ff_task_t*)ptr)->getData(),taskSize*taskSize*sizeof(double)}; v.push_back(iov); setCallbackArg(ptr); } private: double * myt; double * c; protected: const int nw; const std::string name; const std::string address; transport_t * transp; unsigned cnt; }; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc != 8) { std::cerr << "use: " << argv[0] << " tasksize streamlen 1|0 nhosts nw host:port1 host:port2\n"; std::cerr << " 1 for the master 0 for other hosts\n"; std::cerr << " nhosts: is the number of hosts for the master and the hostID for the others\n"; std::cerr << " nw: number of farm's worker\n"; return -1; } taskSize = atoi(argv[1]); unsigned numTasks=atoi(argv[2]); char* P = argv[3]; // 1 for the master 0 for other hosts unsigned nhosts = atoi(argv[4]); unsigned nw = atoi(argv[5]); char* address1 = argv[6]; // no check char* address2 = argv[7]; // no check #if defined(SINGLE_FARM) ff_farm<> farm; Collector C(numTasks, nhosts, "A", address1, NULL); farm.add_emitter(&C); std::vector<ff_node *> w; for(unsigned i=0;i<nw;++i) w.push_back(new Worker(nw, "B",address2,NULL)); farm.add_workers(w); // add all workers to the farm farm.wrap_around(); // setting master-worker computation if (farm.run_and_wait_end()<0) { error("running pipeline\n"); return -1; } printf("wTime= %f\n", farm.ffwTime()); printf("Time = %f\n", farm.ffTime()); #else // creates the network using 0mq as transport layer zmqTransport transport(atoi(P)?-1 : nhosts); if (transport.initTransport()<0) abort(); if (atoi(P)) { ff_pipeline pipe; Collector C(numTasks, nw*nhosts, "B", address2, &transport); Emitter E(numTasks, nhosts, "A", address1, &transport); C.skipfirstpop(true); pipe.add_stage(&C); pipe.add_stage(&E); if (pipe.run_and_wait_end()<0) { error("running pipeline\n"); return -1; } printf("wTime= %f\n", pipe.ffwTime()); printf("Time = %f\n", pipe.ffTime()); } else { ff_farm<> farm; Emitter2 E2("A", address1, &transport); farm.add_emitter(&E2); std::vector<ff_node *> w; for(unsigned i=0;i<nw;++i) w.push_back(new Worker(nw, "B",address2,&transport)); farm.add_workers(w); // add all workers to the farm if (farm.run_and_wait_end()<0) { error("running farm\n"); return -1; } } transport.closeTransport(); #endif std::cout << "done\n"; return 0; }
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/ff27_farmfarm.txt · Ultima modifica: 27/11/2013 alle 17:45 (12 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto